Pull the heads and take a look. One weekend to strip down and see what you need. One weekend to reassemble.
Not a good place to be......isn't there somebody near northeast Lancs can lend him a hand?
Thanks for your concern unfortunately after 59 years on this planet I have realised that there are always people to talk the talk. It is obvious this is my problem and it is going to stay that way. Any physical help now would be out of pity not a desire to help someone struggling and therefore would not be accepted. Thanks again for all your time but I will not be posting on this site again.
Thanks for your concern unfortunately after 59 years on this planet I have realised that there are always people to talk the talk. It is obvious this is my problem and it is going to stay that way. Any physical help now would be out of pity not a desire to help someone struggling and therefore would not be accepted. Thanks again for all your time but I will not be posting on this site again.
That's a bit of a warped outlook on life, personally I enjoy helping people and sharing what little knowledge I may have.
Thanks for your concern unfortunately after 59 years on this planet I have realised that there are always people to talk the talk. It is obvious this is my problem and it is going to stay that way. Any physical help now would be out of pity not a desire to help someone struggling and therefore would not be accepted. Thanks again for all your time but I will not be posting on this site again.

Completely disagree with you on your points.
May be too late as you state, you wont be back
but I've only just read your thread for the first time.
Had I been nearer I would have waded in, perhaps not much help
but at the very least another pair of hands and eyes.
Think you need to take a deep breath and get back in there.
Regardless of someone's reason for helping, I wouldn't be
vetting their reasons, just accepting gratefully.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
I find that comment as a dash insulting to the LZ community.

Our help would not be because we pity you, our help would be because we are Land Rover enthusiasts helping out a fellow Land Rover owner.....

If you think we are the kind of people who sit in an ivory tower looking down on others who are struggling and watch on while we sip our expensive coffee and whiskey, and only when we have watched others suffer enough do we then float down and go 'There, there you poor fellow, let us have a look' ...... Then you are sorely mistaken and have no idea how this forum and the people in it operate.

They have shown sympathy, offered ideas and a few have even said if They were closer they would help.

Offers of help do not mean people pity you, it means they want to help you. We are enthusiasts of a brand, not some Joe down the road who you bump into walking the dog.
As someone stated above, I've only just seen this.
I'm not far away and would have been happy to help. Unfortunately, I work away most of the time so it would be no point offering until I had availability.
That said, let's cut him some slack, we all can get a bit despondent when things are not going our way (sounds like his wife is not well and his car is giving problems)
It would be enough to make anyone post a bad reply!
@Duncanincapable if you want help, I'm no expert but pretty hand.
If you're still following this, I may be able to give you a day or so in 3-4 weeks when I return from the states.
@Duncanincapable MATE!
Really sympathetic to your plight. I was very happy to pull heads off 4Cyl bangers as a young man but I find the prospect of attempting this on a Rangie V8 a terrifying idea at the age of 63.
But! You have very courageously started a task and you will feel better about life, the universe, your engine, and more importantly yourself if you see it through to completion.
Sorry if it sounds "preachy" but I've "bottled" a few things in the past only to regret the decision later. I have some experience in the sense of accomplishment one gets from actually completing what I set out to do (i.e. Building your own house extension).
The blokes on here may be more "spanner-handed" than you or me but I have never ever felt condescended to or "pitied" by their advice, wisdom and guidance. Far from it, it is wonderful to be able to dip into such a vast pool of experience.
Yes, they do take the "P155" sometimes, but the banter is all part of the comradeship among LR owners.
I do hope you change your mind and see it through mate. Best Wishes.
@Duncanincapable MATE!
Really sympathetic to your plight. I was very happy to pull heads off 4Cyl bangers as a young man but I find the prospect of attempting this on a Rangie V8 a terrifying idea at the age of 63.
But! You have very courageously started a task and you will feel better about life, the universe, your engine, and more importantly yourself if you see it through to completion.
Sorry if it sounds "preachy" but I've "bottled" a few things in the past only to regret the decision later. I have some experience in the sense of accomplishment one gets from actually completing what I set out to do (i.e. Building your own house extension).
The blokes on here may be more "spanner-handed" than you or me but I have never ever felt condescended to or "pitied" by their advice, wisdom and guidance. Far from it, it is wonderful to be able to dip into such a vast pool of experience.
Yes, they do take the "P155" sometimes, but the banter is all part of the comradeship among LR owners.
I do hope you change your mind and see it through mate. Best Wishes.
A V8 is only 2 four pot 'bangers' bolted together!
Duncan,I don't know if you're going to read this (but I hope you do and the other posts that have preceded it).
I most certainly don't pity you - there are many guys on here me included who have got to place where you're at right now on various jobs that we have done over the years. But I have always found the best thing to do is to walk away and go back a few days later and start afresh.
It's an empathy not a condescension, a willingness to give you a leg up, not to show you up.
So....if anyone on here can pop over for an afternoon and get you going again, let them.
A brew and a packet of hobnobs goes a long way.
Duncan just to say don't stress about it it's only a motor. Get rid ( or not) don't matter just not worth the mother. It was a problem of a similar stature to yours that first welded me to this forum. I only had a few despondent days. Anyway after 3 ecus i i sussed it. It could easily have not happened. I ended up obsessed tbh. These guys helped with encouragement but your right it is your problem. I often read people saying oh i took the engine out Saturday rebuilt it over the week the put it back the next Saturday. That is not my experience. Blood sweat tears and hours and tools tell the real story. I'd changed head gaskets starters alternators plugs etc etc etc before taking out the engine but i still dreaded that job..put it off for 24months. The wife really badgered me to get rid. So don't get to put out by this.
I have always had help when I have needed it most, great community of Landy owners, it gets you down when its the same thing or one thing after another, and you can give up, if you cant see the end of it
Seeing as you range rover types are in a loving mood..... .. Anyone fancy coming around and welding my discovery for me while I watch from my sofa:p:p

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