Thanks for the stand down - glad she's sorted.

I dont think this is necessarily the place to discuss insurance, etc (there's already a perfectly good thread ongoing about the modus operandi of LZIR) but if @Moron doesnt want to offer to help he is under no obligation to do so. However, most people in LZIR act in good faith, and so do most people who are helped by LZIR. It is a shame that people won't stop to help these days for fear litigation (and not just talking about LZIR here).
glad shes all good now i know what its like ive got a motorhome and on some of these twisty climbs youve got to welly it abit loose a bit of traction and go for it , mines only 18 ft and it can be a bugger being front wheel drive but ,ill still go out
on a rescue job after what happened with the crv ,that was just one in a million, not all are like that .and am quite proud to be of service ,keep it up all of you ;)
glad shes all good now i know what its like ive got a motorhome and on some of these twisty climbs youve got to welly it abit loose a bit of traction and go for it , mines only 18 ft and it can be a bugger being front wheel drive but ,ill still go out
on a rescue job after what happened with the crv ,that was just one in a million, not all are like that .and am quite proud to be of service ,keep it up all of you ;)

This is a good example of the kind of job where LZIR can really be of assistance... someone who through no fault of their own has got themselves into a situation that would potentially involve a private recovery firm to get out of, and where we can easily help with minimum risk to our own vehicles or safety.

It was nice to know in the end that our assistance was not needed - but at the same time hopefully it was reassuring for her to know that people were arranging to come to her aid if needed.
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