A local farmer has offered to return with his Landy in the morning so standing down.

Thanks for the offers of assistance
Somerset is a bit far out of my patch, I might venture into Dorset at a push!!!

Just read through the thread, had a look on googly maps and think it's an easy job for Freelander with a tow rope.
still better to go as a pair, for security and for ease of winching.

I would always going as a pair.
Still waiting for the gob ****e to come back with a detailed explanation for his post?
yeah - putting up waffle posts like that with no explanation are destructive and of no use whatsover

It's not exactly helpful while trying to juggle two tabs on the laptop, another on the phone as well as reading and sending texts and I see a notification pop up and think I'd better read that before sending this because it might be important...o_O
I'm here ..........and I'm not a gobshyte ........just be aware if the motorhome suffers any damage while connected to your vehicle it could be your insurance she claims against
I'm here ..........and I'm not a gobshyte ........just be aware if the motorhome suffers any damage while connected to your vehicle it could be your insurance she claims against

Thank you for the helpful advice, we'll try to take it onboard while doing what Landy owners do.

It has been given considerable consideration, more especially recently.
I'm here ..........and I'm not a gobshyte ........just be aware if the motorhome suffers any damage while connected to your vehicle it could be your insurance she claims against

I've found that it's folk like you that are the problem with the Land Rover community of late "we dare not help for fear of incrimination" "far easier to sit here behind my screen and snipe" what about the guys trying to help people in need who might not be able to cover the cost of a pro outfit coming to tug them out? This poor lady has breakdown cover but they won't assist due to it not actually being "broken down", all that is needed is a kind and giving forum member to bring a mate out for a jolly and give a tow out.

Isn't this what LZIR was created for?

But anyway, thanks for your help all the same.

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