
New Member
We are trying to get local companies/4x4 dealerships to stock and supply biodiesel and I was after help/feedback from you all.

I have spoken to one large 4x4 manufacturer and they are interested in fitting fuelling points at all of their dealerships, supplying biodiesel to their customers.

Bearing in mind that biodiesel saves approximately 10 pence per litre less than diesel (sometimes more), and is a drop in replacement for diesel, or can be blended with it (unlike veg oil which requires conversions) I would be interested to find out:

1) Would people use it?
2) Do they know of any companies/dealerships that would stock it
3) Are there any of these off-road experience places/off roading centres that would be worth a call?
4) What fears or questions do people have relating to using biodiesel?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

For more info on biofuels take a look at Bioenerg - What the world needs now
1. Yis I do and would.
2. Fraid not.
3. From my experience no, they're a greedy lot and are just after our money and not interested in owt else.
4. None, it's marvelous stuff, as far as I'm concerned it's better than ordinary diesel.
Ditto wot Grunt sez!

now yer dunt need to post this on all the other sections, So tell us who yer is and if yer a wummun post us sum piccies o yer nekid bits

Ta !
Ditto wot Grunt sez!

now yer dunt need to post this on all the other sections, So tell us who yer is and if yer a wummun post us sum piccies o yer nekid bits

Ta !

an if yer male post pratb some pics of ur nekid bits. He paid for his nu def90 by selling his ring or was it his mothers I'm not too sure on the detail about that. But he'll be interested any ows.
i make ma own its easy or jist slap er load er tesco's cheapest in , un feck paying the tax man owt. . . .greedy bleeders,un i'm not intrested in savin the planet or global warming ****e . . . . .:p

Yeh, we find there aren't many biodiesel producers in Scotland, a couple of big big ones but not many smaller ones. You guys are really keen to go green too, I see articles everywhere relating to Scotland. We are working with several companies/organisations up there to try and help. If you let me know the first part of your postcode I will fire over a list of petrol stations near to you, there are 9 or 10 in Perthshire that supply 5% biodiesel in their diesel, and something is better than nothing!
I already use biodiesel in my Defender 90, when I can get it. I have to travel to Liverpool to buy the stuff, so unless I'm going there anyway it's not worth the time and tunnel tolls really. If there was somewhere on the Wirral I could buy bio fuel I'd go there instead.

The company in Liverpool that sells bio currently charge 82p per litre, I wouldn't bother if it was much more expensive, to be honest.
the bio diesel that I use is from a firm in Seaforth, Merseyside and it costs 76per litre, so i take 2 jerry cans extra with me and fill the lot up!!!
I've spoken to the guy in Birkenhead 75p ltr.

Any one know of an outlet on or near the A55?

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