
Active Member
ok not sure how to put this so i'll put what i can and answer any questions when they come to me.

went for a drive today and on the way back i noticed i had NO power was traveling at about 55mph put my foot to the floor still traveling 55mph so i pulled over.

temp gauge was reading normal blowers still blowing hot but....
opened up the oil filler and it was clearly over temp and smoking (not loads but enough)
coolant bottle was very pressured and over full spilling out as soon as i opened it up.
removed the caps from the rad and thermo housing. rad was ok but thermo was low.

no signs of any leaks and no signs of oil in the water or water in the oil!

could this be head gasket gone and pumping gasses into the coolant!
how would i check it!
what else can it be/should i look at!

roll in the questions and suggestions guys i need to get on this asap cant afford to kill it just yet although at one point on my limp home staying under 1200rpm i did debate on just rolling it off a cliff

thanks in advance as always guys.
I/ We are ok ! Trucks ok went thru MOT no advisory's !
NOW your's on the other hand :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Welding /bearings ,& now OVER Heating ! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
IT'S ether water pump ? Head gasket ? First I would look water pump ! or get it sniff tested !
I/ We are ok ! Trucks ok went thru MOT no advisory's !
NOW your's on the other hand :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Welding /bearings ,& now OVER Heating ! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
IT'S ether water pump ? Head gasket ? First I would look water pump ! or get it sniff tested !
i was thinking pump or gasket but if i turn her over with the any of the caps of she's evidently pumping, leaving it to fully cool tonight now gonna bleed it in morning and investigate more from there when i can see the coolant and oil as well as anything else i need to look at
thermo is only a couple of months old that was one of my old issues if you remember hehe, i figured the reason the gauge didnt go passed normal would be due to the lack of coolant on it
Take the STUPID cover of the head (thro in bin) on right hand side of head under metal pipe that runs from front to back of head !
STUPID cover is in the bin has been for months :)
i take it the pipe your talking about is the heater matrix feed/return lol
and is the pic in this post it cause if so i have a new one to hand lmao so to hand i just took that pic haha


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Isn't that the egr sensor?
i can help out on that one and say nope and i've remove the egr the blank plate will be housing my EGT when i get everything else fixed lol only sensor i could find related to the EGR was the throttle position sensor that is also now unplugged in the engine bay
I thought it was sumat to do with over heating if you lose water & stuck you in a kind of limp mode !! M/H/M
it hit a limp mode alright. 55mph on the flat in 5th gear put my foot to the floor no change not even a change in the engine pitch
Maybe totally unrelated, but on my 300tdi, I had it fail to accelerate, there I was thinking the worse.

When I checked I found the accelerator cable had unwound at the fuel pump end. Although this does not cover the coolant issue.

Maybe totally unrelated, but on my 300tdi, I had it fail to accelerate, there I was thinking the worse.

When I checked I found the accelerator cable had unwound at the fuel pump end. Although this does not cover the coolant issue.

after i let it cool it would rev just fine i just opted to drive it at low rev's to get it home. cable is looking good but as always thanks for trying to help neilly at this point im happy to check any and all options :)

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