rite last mini update for tonight cause im off to make fire haha (should add that the fire is in a controlled bin clearing trees haha) anyway i went out to put in the rad bleed into the housing as expected removed the plug and it was almost dry. now with gravity in mind i unbolted the header tank and lifted it as high as i could cracked open the bleed and let it bleed. when there was no more bubbles i closed it up and started the engine. no bubbles getting to the header tanks and when i crack the bleed no bubbles from the full housing. moment i put the header tank back down into place housing starts to bubble. (cap is on the header tank when i lowered it. so next i figured i would try open it up and i can have no bubbles with it up bubbles with it down but when its down i get constant flow of bubbles with it up i get nothing! did notice when i rev the coolant level dont really change at all and there's some but not a lot of movement in the header tank.