Here's a picture of the goo!


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I suppose it depends on how much it owes you and how much money you want to throw at it. I'd give a couple of the garages Turboman listed and ask them for a rough estimate
Yes - sequential HGF is not uncommon :(

Not a valid test on Hippoos.

If header tank is cracked (common problem) it could be drawing air in through cracks :(

As I said, I know nothing about them, so would certainly defer to your superior freebie knowledge on that! :) Just trying to apply general principles.

Silly Q..... but have you asked the garage " If you don't think it is head gasket, what do you think it is, and why?"

I suggested similar in about post 5.
Other cause for untraceable water loss are inlet manifold gasket ailed, and water pump, and fracked coolant bottle and faulty pressure cap, but looking at the amount of emulsion, the two suspects have got to be inlet manifold gasket, and head gasket failure
But whoever repaired the hgf last time could have disturbed a liner breaking the seal and causing an internal leak.

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