All I wanted was some help...why on earth would I make up a problem?? Jesus some people have a strange way of thinking on here...must be all that horse manure most of you roll around in all day.

Now when I first posted, you advised me that I would take some stick...fair enough...I dont really care...I quite happily give it back. I thought we were joking. Obviously I have managed to upset some people on here :confused:.

All I want is some advice, with or without banter, i dont care.

You asked me to find out what the problem was, and I have...
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Goodly Morning...........

All I wanted was some help
And you have been getting it.........
Jesus some people have a strange way of thinking on here
Yup thats true............
must be all that horse manure most of you roll around in all day.
More than likely to be oils from landys!! only the wierd roll around in horse ****e............
Now when I first posted, you advised me that I would take some stick
I dont really care
So why ya whingin then????????????
I quite happily give it back.
Go on then
Obviously I have managed to upset some people on here
Maybe it started here????>>>>>>
So I will never fully appreciate the way some of you feel about your landrovers because I see a car as a means of getting about rather than something you buy snorkels and chrome knobs for!

Anyway good day to ya..............
Fair enough...some good points made.

Listen, youve beat me. Quite frankly ive had enough. I will go elsewhere for help.

One last thing...some other woman on here obviously feels very threatened that the limelight may be taken away from her. I guess you are late 40's and that may be generous, bleached hair, big boobs and still stuck in the 80's going by the colour and style of those cheap jeans. Obviously in desperate need of attention going by your avatar! Look at the quotes you have saved...need I say more!!!;)

Thanks for the help from some of you. Will look into a few things that you have mentioned. I am sure I didnt offend anyone on here (apart from the other jealous female). Have your rant will fall on deaf ears cos i aint going to come back here. Life is too short to have rows where they are not called for or asked for.

I wish you all luck and thanks once again for your help....
Fair enough...some good points made.

Listen, youve beat me. Quite frankly ive had enough. I will go elsewhere for help.

One last thing...some other woman on here obviously feels very threatened that the limelight may be taken away from her. I guess you are late 40's and that may be generous, bleached hair, big boobs and still stuck in the 80's going by the colour and style of those cheap jeans. Obviously in desperate need of attention going by your avatar! Look at the quotes you have saved...need I say more!!!;)

Thanks for the help from some of you. Will look into a few things that you have mentioned. I am sure I didnt offend anyone on here (apart from the other jealous female). Have your rant will fall on deaf ears cos i aint going to come back here. Life is too short to have rows where they are not called for or asked for.

I wish you all luck and thanks once again for your help....
free psycho analysis.SPAM!
Listen, youve beat me. Quite frankly ive had enough. I will go elsewhere for help.
Hurrah!!! No more whining from a Landy-hater then! :D
One last thing...some other woman on here obviously feels very threatened that the limelight may be taken away from her. I guess you are (a) late 40's and that may be generous,
(b)bleached hair, (c)big boobs and (d)still stuck in the 80's going by the colour and style of those cheap jeans. (e)Obviously in desperate need of attention going by your avatar! (f)Look at the quotes you have saved...need I say more!!!;)
(g) I am sure I didnt offend anyone on here (apart from the other jealous female).

:hysterically_laughi :hysterically_laughi :hysterically_laughi Oooooh dear, the noob's cage's been rattled!! :D How wrong can one person possibly be?
Firstly, this is a Landy forum, not a stage; there is no "limelight" here; is that what you were hoping for/expecting? :rolleyes:
I'll address your other incorrect assumptions as lettered above:
(a) Wrong; I'm mid 40's and make no secret of it; don't worry your head about it; you'll get there soon enough!! :D
(b) Bleached hair? erm, no, my hair is brown actually: not clever enough to find user albums then?
(c) Big boobs??? No, since you ask: but why is the size of my (or anyone's) chest an issue to you? Not a very 'female solidarity' attitude there, considering how keen you are on 'girls sticking together!! (proves my earlier point, methinks!) :D Do you want plastic ones but can't afford them?
(d) Ah, a fashion victim! Jeans are jeans, denim is denim, it keeps the mud off your legs; where's the beef? :rolleyes:
(e) It's my backside, I could explain the story behind that, and many other pictures of it, but, nah, I can't be arsed! :p "Desperate need of attention" I think not.....:rolleyes:
(f) The quotes are what's known in the big wide world as "Humour" as you become an adult, you may encounter this in many different ways! It's often what happens when people of similar interests banter with one another! :D
(g) I'm sure you've not "offended" anyone on here, certainly not me; I've been insulted by experts!!!:D If the "other jealous female" comment is directed at me; you really have no concept of irony!! MY landy is currently running very nicely thank you, I look after her myself, it is a labour of love; and when help is required I know how to ask, and more importantly, take advice from the people I ask!
Thank you for your tin-pot attempt at amateur psychoanalysis, it gave me a giggle; but really; I wouldn't hope to make a living from it if I were you!!

Have a nice day now ;)
...the lady was (whatever you may make of her methods) trying to help her boyfriend sort his 90 - which makes her alright in my book.
...the lady was (whatever you may make of her methods) trying to help her boyfriend sort his 90 - which makes her alright in my book.

I totally agree. Why did she have to take that kind of **** when she only wants suggestion on what wrong with it
I was going to go but then I thought ah what the hell...there may be someone who still wants to help with the Landrover issue which is what I joined this forum for. It was going well until your first comment Dirty Gertie. So here, let me bring myself to your level for just a while longer...

1. Thats what I came on here for, a Landrover forum, not to be slagged off by some middle aged whatever

2. Yeah, but when I reach your age love, you wont have a clue whats going on around you.

3. Quite frankly I aint interested in your user album in the slightest. :D

4. You know eff all about female solidarity. You have no idea on my financial circumstances. I do believe they have changed whats inside fake boobs now, still stuck in the 80's :D

5. Yeah and Sinclair made a vehicle but I didnt see many people wanting to drive that :rolleyes:

6. "Desperate need of attention" I think not.....:rolleyes:...blah blah..whatever!!

7. You wouldnt know humour if it came and slapped you on your stonewashed denim jeaned a***, unless it was from a man!!

8. You could drive around in a Aston Martin for all I care mate. Cant understand why you are underlining the word MY. And people on here thought I was mad...jesus I certainly dont call my car a "her". I asked for the forums comments and got some helpful ones. You didnt come up with anything other than slagging me off for whatever reason. You obviously think you are someone/thing special in here but I hope some people can see you for who you are. Did you have a hard time at school when you were younger. You are a very angry person. I thought people calmed down as they got older.

Have a nice day now ;). You too.

Thanks to others who have sent some nice messages.

Now what I suggest you do Gertie, is go and play with some traffic. When I want you to direct any mail at me, I will ask you!! You have the option of not having to post on this topic, so go and annoy someone else.

Enough of my childish behaviour..bad back from stooping so low...
Right, the vehicle is poor starting from hot or cold, it has had a new fuel pump, a new battery, a new starter motor, new glow plugs, new O rings on the injectors, new fuel regulator, a replacement ECU was fitted to rule out an ECU problem (which it wasnt).

Any ideas???

Unreliable x

Has the fault got progressively worse or has it been constant? Has a new fuel filter been fitted? How long does the engine have to be cranked for before it will start? Is the fuel pump noisey when the ignition is turned on just before starting?
Has the fault got progressively worse or has it been constant? Has a new fuel filter been fitted? How long does the engine have to be cranked for before it will start? Is the fuel pump noisey when the ignition is turned on just before starting?


Has the fault got progressively worse or has it been constant? Has a new fuel filter been fitted? How long does the engine have to be cranked for before it will start? Is the fuel pump noisey when the ignition is turned on just before starting?

The fault was there about 8 months ago, we then had all the work done on it and thought that it was all sorted. We now generally turn the ignition on and off a few times then it will start. The fuel pump is noisy all the time now. Originally it was just as it was started up, but now as we are moving. Its been in a proper land rover garage on 2 different occasions (now being the third) and they are all confused as to what is wrong.


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