its got a number but is it really the correct chassis no ,though checking all numbers correspond is something ,when they do doesnt mean legit ,but when they dont ?,still you can still end up with the rights for vehicle
Sounds like a double ringer, maybe someones put a Series 3 ID on it at one point (to hide it being stolen?) then someones realised that's stupid and put a later ID on again, without changing the VIN plate.

Does the engine number match the one on the V5? Have you got any pictures of the vehicle so we can see if its a typical 1999? Hope it works out ok for you.
Thanks guys. I have looked at all the links suggested and will prob go through trading standards on this one. In the meantime I have found a garage who will MOT the landrover using the chassis number on the vehicle, but goodness knows what this will throw up. The DVLA will then be alerted and they will probably want their pound of flesh. However, the chassis could have been changed many years ago, with the different number only just having been identified with the new legislation (ie the chassis number must be taken from the actual vehicle and not the old MOT cert or existing V5.). There could in fact be many vehicles on the road with my problem, and these will now start to be identified when MOT'd.
A real conundrum. It will be a disaster for me if impounded. Have spent a bit of cash on it in the last few months to get it looking good.
Don't keep it at the registered address or they will just lift it, if they send you a letter send them a bare chassis lol
My take on things is that the garage has an onus of responsibility in this case. The Sales of Goods Act does state that an acquisition should be fit for the purpose it was intended and this is definitely not happening for you at this moment in time. This is one of those instances where being a car dealer is really dodgy as the liability of the SoG Act is predominantly with the supplier unless it was advertised in the first place as a crap vehicle which the DVLA would potentially want to crush, lol. You do have a case but nevertheless you still have to establish the specific case facts and the DVLA will no doubt help you do just that.

The first thing you need to do is to chat with the garage and make a representation to them to say that you suspect your vehicle to be dodgy. A verbal chat first followed-up by a written note thereafter.
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Does the

When you say the vin plates is a s3, is the number stamped in the chassis leg the same?

Does the engine number match the log book?

It's on coil springs but does its have disc brakes, Also what's the dash look like and what gearbox is in it?
If you buy from a private individual the "in good faith" bit applies but when it's a business it is their responsibility to make sure that what they are selling is correct. You have legal redress against the garage. Have you actually spoken to them yet?
Sounds like this could give you some problems.
I think the first thing you did wrong was to send off to the DVLA to change the vin number.

Have you actually checked the numbers yourself to determine that they are incorrect or have you just taken the word of the garage that it is wrong.
This could just be a case of being misread if the chassis has a lot of surface rust on it.
Or it could be that someone has stamped a S3 vin for some reason, but there may also still be another vin number on it as well.
Get the wire brush out and do some looking.

It would be highly unlikely to actually be a S3 chassis without having been highly modified.

I think the best thing to do is to take it back to where you bought it and explain the situation and they should help sort it.
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if it's a 99 fender the chassis number should be on a plate on the n/s dash and visible thru the windscreen. if it isn't there, it's been pulled and is almost certainly stolen.
Could you not just stamp a new number in? After checking it isn't stolen, or weld a patch over the number, many defenders need patching there anyways. Suppose its good that the mot fella was checking, not so good for you though.
As Ruffday said. An S3 chassis is nothing like a defender - certainly not a 99 defender.

Post some pics up here of the suspension and general pics. The guys on here will let you know what it really is. :)

Maybe he hasn't returned to put pics on because he actually drove it into the guy who sold it him....?
It's probably a bit late to try doctoring the chassis no as I have already sent th log book back to DVLA stating the different numbers (a week or so ago). I rang DVLA yesterday and the landrover hasn't yet flagged up any potential problem with them, but I guess it is early days yet. I have contacted the dealer and he appears to be worried about the implications to him. He has said to keep him up to date. Meanwhile it failed the MOT but only on silly little things like clips etc. I don't know whether to bother getting it fixed for the MOT - in case it gets impounded. I will try to get pictures uploaded on here, but I not very good at things like that. I am very grateful to you all for invaluable advice.
It's probably a bit late to try doctoring the chassis no as I have already sent th log book back to DVLA stating the different numbers (a week or so ago). I rang DVLA yesterday and the landrover hasn't yet flagged up any potential problem with them, but I guess it is early days yet. I have contacted the dealer and he appears to be worried about the implications to him. He has said to keep him up to date. Meanwhile it failed the MOT but only on silly little things like clips etc. I don't know whether to bother getting it fixed for the MOT - in case it gets impounded. I will try to get pictures uploaded on here, but I not very good at things like that. I am very grateful to you all for invaluable advice.

if i was you i would be removing what you have put on because it will be a hard fight if they take it.
Pictures man. We need pictures.

We can't help you if we can't see it.

Post the pictures to photo bucket or flicker and then link them to your post using the picture icon next to the world symbol.

As pikey said, if there is no TD5 vin number in the windscreen then its probably a bit dodge. If there is a number then does it match the number on the engine?
Man, what a nightmare!
I hope you get sorted mate, I think faced with the same situation mine wouldn't have different numbers for long.
I'd have booked it in for a new galved chassis ASAP.
I'd have expected more from they chap you bought it off, surly he should have checked it out before selling it?

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