just because we are students doesnt mean we dont work for a living, we might not have much to do between lectures but most of us work weekends.
besides we put more into the economy and local community than most people!

i think you feel inferior and begrudge the situation your in so this turns into jealousy for students who want to further their understanding and improve their job prospects.
just because your sat on your arse all day with a bitter feeling of resentment and feel unfulfilled doesnt mean your should use your prejudices to troll forums trying to take down people who are living their dream and have worked hard to get there.

if you knew anything about me you would know i aint sat on my arse all day, and havnt for the last 30 years
i dont feel inferior to anyone, my reason for disliking students stems from there belief that the rest of society should pay for your education, so that you can go on and get better job prospects that are only benificial to yourselves, and i dont see why the rest of society should subsidies your jollies
well i think your an arrogant ****er tbh... even if i dont like someone i wouldnt make light or joke about their truck being stolen or damaged as i wouldnt wish it on anyone!

some pricks like you shouldnt be allowed nice things...or keyboards...

"cough" it's not a truck ;)
if you knew anything about me you would know i aint sat on my arse all day, and havnt for the last 30 years
i dont feel inferior to anyone, my reason for disliking students stems from there belief that the rest of society should pay for your education, so that you can go on and get better job prospects that are only benificial to yourselves, and i dont see why the rest of society should subsidies your jollies

likewise your prejudices and preconceptions of us are far from the mark... were died in blood landy fans just like you and and were not draining the economy as the better job we get the more taxes we pay back into the system...my student LOAN doesnt even cover the cost of me being at uni and it still has to be paid off...you might get chavvy economy draining students in blackpool but dont tar us all with the same brush as your comments have shown an ignorance and a willingness to follow the media sheep-like.

"cough" it's not a truck ;)
lol yours might not be but mine certainly is and brownies is trying to be ;)
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likewise your prejudices and preconceptions of us are far from the mark... were died in blood landy fans just like you and and were not draining the economy as the better job we get the more taxes we pay back into the system...my student LOAN doesnt even cover the cost of me being at uni and it still has to be paid off...you might gey chavvy economy draining students in blackpool but dont tar us all with the same brush as your comments have shown an ignorance and a willingness to follow the media sheep-l

you still dont get it, "my student loan doesnt even cover the cost of me being at uni" well why should it, you dont even start paying them back until your earning around the 20k mark, so theoretically you can finish uni with a
degree, bum around for what ever length of time, then obtain a high paying job out of the country not paying any of it back,
you still dont get it, "my student loan doesnt even cover the cost of me being at uni" well why should it, you dont even start paying them back until your earning around the 20k mark, so theoretically you can finish uni with a
degree, bum around for what ever length of time, then obtain a high paying job out of the country not paying any of it back,

Well that depends entirely on the person ... Just as you could sit around all day and claim benefits which you never pay back.

Dont get me wrong im by no means saying that is what you do. Since you did say you work. All im trying to say is that it shouldn't be a generalisation that that's what we will do. Bit of an unfair thing to say.
you still dont get it, "my student loan doesnt even cover the cost of me being at uni" well why should it, you dont even start paying them back until your earning around the 20k mark, so theoretically you can finish uni with a
degree, bum around for what ever length of time, then obtain a high paying job out of the country not paying any of it back,

and people that study media studies probably will... were engineers...this is our hobby and profession... were not going to bum around like the media and your preconceptions say were going to do...
my point about the loan not covering my costs is that i wouldnt pay money and drive 50miles to go to uni to bum around and get into debt... im here to do what i love and gain the qualifications needed to get paid handsomely for it
i think you need to get out into the world and change your preconceptions on young folk but i fear its decades too late...
well i think your an arrogant ****er tbh... even if i dont like someone i wouldnt make light or joke about their truck being stolen or damaged as i wouldnt wish it on anyone!

some pricks like you shouldnt be allowed nice things...or keyboards...

the only thing i don't like about students


they stink

they could knock fly's off a bucket of s**t :lol:
Well that depends entirely on the person ... Just as you could sit around all day and claim benefits which you never pay back.

Dont get me wrong im by no means saying that is what you do. Since you did say you work. All im trying to say is that it shouldn't be a generalisation that that's what we will do. Bit of an unfair thing to say.

well considering that your making completely out accusations i will too. and being as you are on this forum during the day, which makes me think your on benefits.

This comment is outrageous and makes you out to be a complete arsehole......WTF is wrong with you! :mad::doh:

this is true. and i will add that this statement is the pure cause of this bitching session. :)
This comment is outrageous and makes you out to be a complete arsehole......WTF is wrong with you! :mad::doh:

as far as i remember there is still some freedom of speech allowed in this country, so if i found it ironic then so be it, you spouting your crap wont change my mind, dickhead
as far as i remember there is still some freedom of speech allowed in this country, so if i found it ironic then so be it, you spouting your crap wont change my mind, dickhead

i believe your the dickhead spouting moronic crap...

if you believe that a young tree is worth the price of a smart and well prepared 90 which is someones pride and joy then **** me the price of timber must of gone up!
the true definition of irony here is if your landy got replaced by a tree...
then again you seem more the type to drive a prius and read the daily mail :/
i believe your the dickhead spouting moronic crap...

if you believe that a young tree is worth the price of a smart and well prepared 90 which is someones pride and joy then **** me the price of timber must of gone up!
the true definition of irony here is if your landy got replaced by a tree...
then again you seem more the type to drive a prius and ready the daily mail :/

whats ready the daily mail
i believe your the dickhead spouting moronic crap...

if you believe that a young tree is worth the price of a smart and well prepared 90 which is someones pride and joy then **** me the price of timber must of gone up!
the true definition of irony here is if your landy got replaced by a tree...
then again you seem more the type to drive a prius and read the daily mail :/
shows your disregard for the rural habitat, like i said last night the only reason that tree was cut down was to prevent scratching the vehicles
Why was we born so beautiful? Why was they born at all? They're no ****ing use to anyone, they're no ****ing use at all.

**** all over cirencester lalalalala
**** all over harper adams lalalalala

Yeah, long live SEALE HAYNE!!! (Oh, it's dead :()
shows your disregard for the rural habitat, like i said last night the only reason that tree was cut down was to prevent scratching the vehicles

and like i said last night... ya couldnt fit a diahatsu through the gap without rolling it... so the following 90s had no hope

may i also reiterate that were not afraid of scatches and our vehicles had been scratched and close to trees all the way up that lane... my snorkle also fell victim to one of the low hanging branches.


Il also add that a majority of the group are farmers so the rural habitat is one of our primary concerns
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wow there are alot of bigots on here.... i used to enjoy this forum tbh...
if i had no regard for the rural habitat i wouldnt have any money... its what we live off!

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