Do you get taught how to plan laning trips properly, liaise with the local councils right of way officers, etc. Or do the "teachers" just have set routes you can go and play on?

Looks like you get to play around a lot with your landies! Looks great fun... beats spending all day in a lecture theatre that's for sure.

the laning is prepped and planned by the Harper 4x4 club (all students) and we abide by the green lane code

im glad you find someones pride and joy being stolen and another two vehicles being broken into so amusing... perhaps we should come and relieve you of your possessions and see how you react?
the laning is prepped and planned by the Harper 4x4 club (all students) and we abide by the green lane code

im glad you find someones pride and joy being stolen and another two vehicles being broken into so amusing... perhaps we should come and relieve you of your possessions and see how you react?

perhaps you should
the laning is prepped and planned by the Harper 4x4 club (all students) and we abide by the green lane code

im glad you find someones pride and joy being stolen and another two vehicles being broken into so amusing... perhaps we should come and relieve you of your possessions and see how you react?

Extremely violently probably...
perhaps you should

well i think your an arrogant ****er tbh... even if i dont like someone i wouldnt make light or joke about their truck being stolen or damaged as i wouldnt wish it on anyone!

some pricks like you shouldnt be allowed nice things...or keyboards...
well i think your an arrogant ****er tbh... even if i dont like someone i wouldnt make light or joke about their truck being stolen or damaged as i wouldnt wish it on anyone!

some pricks like you shouldnt be allowed nice things...or keyboards...

in every bunch of roses there's one prick, and its you

what the **** is wrong with you??

how would you like to wake up to find this? and a mates land rover missing?
makes me sick!

you need your head looking at making jokes of the loss of someones priode and joy!
Could be one of you lot who have decided they don't like us students, because you are too thick to realise why a tree had to be removed from a byway, so took the decision to take the law into their own hands and steal one of my mate's 90s and try to break into 2 others.
Could be one of you lot who have decided they don't like us students, because you are too thick to realise why a tree had to be removed from a byway, so took the decision to take the law into their own hands and steal one of my mate's 90s and try to break into 2 others.

I know you are annoyed, same as anyone would be!!!
But can't point the finger!!!

I agree it's only a little tree, there are millions destroyed everyday!!
Don't see you do anything about that!!!

I have seen peeps on here use bolt cutters to open gates on byways.
So don't give me the bull****.

They may be young and students. But maybe advise would be better than bitching.
Could be one of you lot who have decided they don't like us students, because you are too thick to realise why a tree had to be removed from a byway, so took the decision to take the law into their own hands and steal one of my mate's 90s and try to break into 2 others.

personally i ****in hate students, and as for us being to thick etc, it wasnt me that posted vids of kitted up landies on an open forum, with there address in the title, some responsibility has to rest with the owners as one was asleep 20 feet away yet heard nothing which makes me think there were very few security measures on the vehicles,or they were to ****ed on student loans to hear anything, i assume they were fully insured
just because we are students doesnt mean we dont work for a living, we might not have much to do between lectures but most of us work weekends.
besides we put more into the economy and local community than most people!

i think you feel inferior and begrudge the situation your in so this turns into jealousy for students who want to further their understanding and improve their job prospects.
just because your sat on your arse all day with a bitter feeling of resentment and feel unfulfilled doesnt mean your should use your prejudices to troll forums trying to take down people who are living their dream and have worked hard to get there.

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