
Hi There
I'm now the proud owner of a 110 Utility but have a (possibly stupid) question.

I'm planning going over Hardknott Pass in the Lake District and was wondering whether the turning circle on it will be ok with the tight switch backs!

I've been over the past many times in my 90 years ago but was just making sure as this new 110 has the turning circle of a bus!!! I want to double check before I took my 5 year old over to go camping!

Thanks in advance.
I came over it last year in the Disco and met a Dutch couple in a 109 and they looked to be having a whale of a time.
They got along it no problems.
No problems in my 110. Even gave a guy a bottle of water at the top for his Focus that had ****ed itself.
Yes im sure you will be fine
Although the last time I did itwas about 2 years ago I was on a 2 week old Tiger 800xc with the wife hanging on the back

Happy days
Well,. it's no great hardship having to take two goes at the corners. There are a couple of bends in mid Wales that I have to have two goes at to get round but it adds to the charm of the route.
I did it last year in my 1.6 civic which has the turning circle of the Queen Mary towing the Queen Mary 2 and it was fine the corners are wider than they look!

Just use low range coming down, the civics engine wouldn't hold me back and my brakes were not happy by the end
Do you really reckon I need it in low range coming down??? Don't think I ever did with the 90?

LOL depends on how hot you want your brakes to get :D I've driven it in cars when I would have been grateful for low box. And on a very old motorbike with drum brakes (well it had brakes at the top :eek:) not much braking left by the bottom :D:D:D
I would put it low range and save your brakes! Its a long way down to sit on your brakes. Although landy brakes may cope better than my civic so I dunno. You try it and let us know :p
Been over in an 89 RR - no problem at all with corners, or with the brakes - but the engine wouldn't start in Whitehaven (damp in the ECU connection). Very enjoyable run there and back otherwise.

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