
New Member
Hi all,i purchased last week a 3dr TD4 2002 gs low mileage( now i know why it low its never on the road):mad:,i say i purchased it, it was hubby,i was against it,i wanted another disco..anyhoo two days after i got it it wouldn't start,got mechanic friend around who diagnosed fuel pump problem no buzz when key turned but managed happily to get it going by hitting the pump ,so have a new fuel pump coming (today),but it gets better as from yesterday when out to start it ...nothing just a clicking noise (starter motor?) put battery on charge started again,went out this morning nothing just clicking again,checked the battery its green so healthy i assume.....please anyone have any idea,could the pump and the new problem go hand in hand or is it somthing new it decided to surprise me with for the day.
Ive had a Freelander before x reg petrol that was great till the head gasket went and other stuffs...swore id never have one again...but a year later here i
Some people never learn :p lol, hope u get it sorted

LOL i know:( i see the pretty in your avatar..hope i can get it sorted soon,or i will have to put the puma back on the road:confused:,im too nice natured to say to hubby though i told you so lol.He's as gutted as i am.
The Land Rover may have been standing idle for some time whilst up for sale. This does cause problems for any vehicle.
Thanks for your imput,it's been on charge again and started,took it out for an hour came home all fine,went to go to work click click click again!!!!! do i need a new battery? or is somthing draining the battery......ive had the car 5 days driven it two:mad: on a plus side got the fuel pump and thats being fitted tomorrow...but only if i can get it there:eek:
Yup new batterie required [least get the old wun load tested] they use a lot of power doozles. . . . .oh un best of luck Earthling :) :) :)
Sounds like it needs a good blast to blow the cobwebs away. Land Rovers thrive on hard work.
Check the battery terminals, clean and regrease, especially where the earth lead attaches to the chassis/engine. Dirty connextions can pass normal loads but cause high voltage drop with the starting motor current.
Ive tested it with a multimeter off its 12.5 running (when it does) its at 13.5,with a boost charge it will start just took it out for a major run up the M2 and beyond,drove lovely,come home turned it off,went to move it into the garage for the night five mins later dead just click click:mad::mad: im going to get a new battery tomorrow but i just think there is somthing else going on here.
oh btw forgot to ask,could the battery be knacked if the glowing green light on the battery is still green? cos it is.
Hello, I have an 02 TD4 GS 5 door which needed a new battery during the winter (it was the original, I think). I had the click, click syndrome, when I first tried to start the engine when the weather was very cold. It would always start the second time. I think the current drain from the glow plugs caused the battery voltage to drop to a sufficiently low level for the ECM to inhibit starting the first time.
I have checked the some battery voltages for you. Before starting the engine, 12.62 volts. Engine started, alternator charging at 14.2 volts. Engine stopped, headlights on, voltage stabilized at 12.25 volts.
I notice that your charging rate is quite low. Could be a faulty alternator, or bad connection as already stated. Hope this helps. Eric.
Hello, I have an 02 TD4 GS 5 door which needed a new battery during the winter (it was the original, I think). I had the click, click syndrome, when I first tried to start the engine when the weather was very cold. It would always start the second time. I think the current drain from the glow plugs caused the battery voltage to drop to a sufficiently low level for the ECM to inhibit starting the first time.
I have checked the some battery voltages for you. Before starting the engine, 12.62 volts. Engine started, alternator charging at 14.2 volts. Engine stopped, headlights on, voltage stabilized at 12.25 volts.
I notice that your charging rate is quite low. Could be a faulty alternator, or bad connection as already stated. Hope this helps. Eric.

Thanks for that info,ive got my brother in law coming round tonight with a new battery (thanks goodness for a mechanic BIL) we are going to see what happens,with that,yesterday it was a total no starter (i put it on charge all day) so took it off charge checked the battery it had dropped to 11.1 so i assumed it isnt holding a charge,so gave up,until last night when hubby came home he put it on charge for about 30 minutes four goes later it sprang into life,took it out for a run for an hour,drove lovely got it home...turned it off,started it click click click,the battery has been on the car since new,so we shall keep the new battery,but i agree it could be an alternator problem its has all the symptoms ,will let brother have a look later,i really want it sorted out soon,had the car for exactley one week and driven it 3 times:( its not putting itself up there in my best car catagory lol.However i am getting to know the car intimately lol.
Thanks again.
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I had a very similar problem recently on a Hyundai Sonata - Several Kwik Fits et al stated battery was fine, alternator faulty, but turned out to be a duff battery in the end, no other problems at all. Charging rate should be around 14.2v when the car is running with lights on, so it sounds as if your battery is not holding a full charge. Hope it turns out to be a simple fix - the electronically-gizmo-ed Land Rover products are generally very intolerant of any battery imperfections as my Rangie has reminded me in the past!!!:doh:
I had a very similar problem recently on a Hyundai Sonata - Several Kwik Fits et al stated battery was fine, alternator faulty, but turned out to be a duff battery in the end, no other problems at all. Charging rate should be around 14.2v when the car is running with lights on, so it sounds as if your battery is not holding a full charge. Hope it turns out to be a simple fix - the electronically-gizmo-ed Land Rover products are generally very intolerant of any battery imperfections as my Rangie has reminded me in the past!!!:doh:

Well im hoping its just the battery,will find out later,thanks for your input much appreciated.:) all i want to do is drive it:doh: is that too much to ask lol.
Well im hoping its just the battery,will find out later,thanks for your input much appreciated.:) all i want to do is drive it:doh: is that too much to ask lol.

Excuse me for telling you it's your own fault you're having these minor problems with your Hippo. Do you realise this animal (Yes, your Hippo:D) is reading this forum as well and seeing your signature "I asked for a Disco!!!!!!!!" is not much of an encouragement...... ;):):):)
Excuse me for telling you it's your own fault you're having these minor problems with your Hippo. Do you realise this animal (Yes, your Hippo:D) is reading this forum as well and seeing your signature "I asked for a Disco!!!!!!!!" is not much of an encouragement...... ;):):):)

:D:D:D:D well my hippo is running nicely now,the battery seems to have done the trick (fingers crossed) but i dont think my hippo can read!!!!!!!:D:D

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