
New Member
I'm off to Cornwall tomorrow from Cheltenham in the old P38 2.5dse. The M5, A30 (usual drill). It'll be about 200 miles by the time we get there. We'll be packed to the rafters with the family on board, 3 bikes on the carrier, air con set to "Auto", charging the DVD player and Sat. Nav. as we go.

I wonder what the mpg will be?:confused:

Any guesses?!! Sensible or otherwise greatly received.

There's no prizes for the winner but I'll update when I'm back.
I'm off to Cornwall tomorrow from Cheltenham in the old P38 2.5dse. The M5, A30 (usual drill). It'll be about 200 miles by the time we get there. We'll be packed to the rafters with the family on board, 3 bikes on the carrier, air con set to "Auto", charging the DVD player and Sat. Nav. as we go.

I wonder what the mpg will be?:confused:

Any guesses?!! Sensible or otherwise greatly received.

There's no prizes for the winner but I'll update when I'm back.

i'm off to cornwall tomorrow from cheltenham in the old p38 2.5dse. The m5, a30 (usual drill). It'll be about 200 miles by the time we get there. We'll be packed to the rafters with the family on board, 3 bikes on the carrier, air con set to "auto", charging the dvd player and sat. Nav. As we go.

I wonder what the mpg will be?:confused:

Any guesses?!! Sensible or otherwise greatly received.

There's no prizes for the winner but i'll update when i'm back.

I will be doing a steady 70mph (PSI Powerbox chip fitted - not everyone's favourite but I like it!)
Probably over 100mpg as it will be on the back of a recovery truck for at least part of the journey:eek::behindsofa::eek:
maybe 24.6 and have faith have taken my p38 dse away 6 times this year and no break downs and thats over 3000 miles is this a recourd.

have a good trip and take out breakdown cover and then you won't need it.

Boys, boys please, So cynical! Here's a clue for you. I've just done a round trip from home near Wellingborough to Luton Airport and back this morning (at 3:45am!!). The wife is off to Spain to see her sister. Just the two of us on board with 1 case there and just me on the way back. The computer showed 31.3mph for the 110 miles covered at a steady 70mph (apart form the 7 miles of bl**dy roads works and 50 mph average speed cameras!). So we'll see what it reads on Saturday from Chelt. to Padstow with 4 up and all the clobber. (I really need to get out more!)
My estimate of 26.5 was for real time mpg not the commputer reading.Looking forward to results and have a good trip.
Ha ha. Fair enough guys. I tell you what, there will be a box of Cornish clotted cream fudge for the nearest estimate to what the computer says. That's all I'll go on to be consistant. Seriously, the lucky winner can PM their home address and I'll post it upon my return. (I'd better make a note of all these predictions!)

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