As I mentioned, it was via the computer. I did a similar journey last year with a similar payload and achieved 25mpg. I've had a PSI Powerbox fitted sincethen and I'm sure it makes an improvement. It sems much smoother at about 2000-2500 rpm as well.

So the real mpg would still be about the 25/26mpg then. The computer does not know that the power box is injecting more fuel so the calculation is out by 2 to 3 mpg. I've done brim to brim checks with and without the power box, on local stuff the mpg is the same in both cases, on the autoroute there is a small improvement in mpg with the power box due I'm sure to the car not changing down on inclines:)
So the real mpg would still be about the 25/26mpg then. The computer does not know that the power box is injecting more fuel so the calculation is out by 2 to 3 mpg. I've done brim to brim checks with and without the power box, on local stuff the mpg is the same in both cases, on the autoroute there is a small improvement in mpg with the power box due I'm sure to the car not changing down on inclines:)
Does that mean i win the prize then ?:confused:
I'll be honest, I've covered 35,000 miles in 23 months and apart from a few niggles it's great to drive.

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