Well, LR109UK, assuming about £1:46 per litre and if my maths is correct, yours averaged about 24-25 mpg for your trip, which doesn't sound that good.....
id say 28mpg and have a good trip were you staying as i live in scarborough :D so look out for a green n reg v8 with shrek in back window you probs hear it befor you see it

paul shrek
I'm going for 32.5mpg. Oh, by the way, I like tablet, just normal, how it's made stuff though, no silly flavouring :cool:

Hope you have a good time & a safe journey:D
presumably,any mileage covered on the back of a recovery truck will not come into the equation.Hopefully this scenario doesn't happen-but being a disco,you never quite know.
good luck with the trip
I'm developing a shopping list here. What will I do in the event of a tie? Sweets all round , hurrah!!
I'm liking the response. I'll be doing this again in Summer when we're off to Northumberland. As you can guess, I'm not really a sun worshipper!
Believe it or no it'll be our second wedding anniversary. We had a week in Scarborough last year. Weather was great, took our bikes and cycled the cinder track, the lot.

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