I found one for £135 New, clips to the back of a 90 or disco, looks ok, and you can stand up in it !, also has a small awning to sit and drink beer or shoot little animals from.
I found one for £135 New, clips to the back of a 90 or disco, looks ok, and you can stand up in it !, also has a small awning to sit and drink beer or shoot little animals from.

What are we creating? The mild mannered type Landy driver is turning into something from Deliverence.
I found one for £135 New, clips to the back of a 90 or disco, looks ok, and you can stand up in it !, also has a small awning to sit and drink beer or shoot little animals from.

Who makes this shiney new tent of yours, sounds like a bit of a bargain, everything I've looked at has been priced way over that...
Think I'm loosing track if what subject were currently on...
Tents, chavs, camping, laning, beer, or small animals??
Look, we go laning in Warwickshire, we use tents to camp in, machetes to hunt chavs we then drink beer to celebrate.
Me and a friend are hoping to go to wagtails (granby farm) on sunday if anybody fancy's it?
Should be interesting after all the rain we have had!
Me and a friend are hoping to go to wagtails (granby farm) on sunday if anybody fancy's it?
Should be interesting after all the rain we have had!

Enjoy. With all the rain you should get nowhere fast.

Look forward to seeing the pictures though. :rolly:
why wont i talk to either of you, i am now aint i guys, i feel special u lot offering me things:) thanks alot feel very welcome here

just be careful about accepting that lift.

make sure he dunt get the wrong gear stick :eek:;) know what i mean.
I think the midland rover owners club has got a pay and play day on at granby farm next week, if it drys up this week it might be worth a look,

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