(gozzy are you home yet?)

Was this due to ground clearance, blocked tyre treads, lack of power?

As gozzy is the Freelander 'representative' on these outings, I follow his exploits with a keen interest.........

Please, elaborate on the 'gozzy' experience......

Not lack of power, lack of locking diffs, ground clearance, and just really muddy, normally is does really well, think was just abit too wet today
todays outing was great, apart from i shouldnt really follow bigger and better trucks were they go and i wont, but ground clearance was a issue and clogged up tyres yes, but apart from that its great fun being dragged around a bit by the others, and winched out and buying them a pint in the pub,

but i have finally come to the conclusion that gaylanders should only come out when its sunny and not wet, and that they are great at everything if u have a sensible driver that doesnt think he can do things like the others can:)
todays outing was great, apart from i shouldnt really follow bigger and better trucks were they go and i wont, but ground clearance was a issue and clogged up tyres yes, but apart from that its great fun being dragged around a bit by the others, and winched out and buying them a pint in the pub,

but i have finally come to the conclusion that gaylanders should only come out when its sunny and not wet, and that they are great at everything if u have a sensible driver that doesnt think he can do things like the others can:)

At least you get out there and have a go. You have experience now :cool2:
todays outing was great, apart from i shouldnt really follow bigger and better trucks were they go and i wont, but ground clearance was a issue and clogged up tyres yes, but apart from that its great fun being dragged around a bit by the others, and winched out and buying them a pint in the pub,

but i have finally come to the conclusion that gaylanders should only come out when its sunny and not wet, and that they are great at everything if u have a sensible driver that doesnt think he can do things like the others can:)

There's always someone with bigger, knobbly tyres, more clearance, more power........your alright in my book and always welcome to a tow....

Provided I don't break down first :D
Unfortunately , you know when as a parent you see your kids about to do something that won't work and you have a quiet word and they carry on regardless. Well I thought I did quite well not going nah, nah, na, nah nah....told you so, told you so :D
Now you're trying to make me feel bad aren't you? :scratching_chin:

Isn't it enough I feel a coward so far already? :rofl:

Nope, you've procrastinated enough now. I think White Ladies would be a good start. but maybe not this week. :D

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