alreet chaps,

fooking hotel fire alarm keeps going off in the middle of the night! :mad:

its 1645 in the afternoon here atm.
funky slipper we still ok for saturday? pick you up from reading train station at 1??

then patrick said you might be doing something a week sunday?

Yes buddy, I'll call you with a proper time of arrival into Reading when I get to Southampton in the morning.
Yes there is something occuring on the 6th May. Details to follow.
Yes buddy, I'll call you with a proper time of arrival into Reading when I get to Southampton in the morning.
Yes there is something occuring on the 6th May. Details to follow.

Great stuff, thank you mate, it is much appreciated!
Sound like a plan to me :)

I really would like to do the peak district, thers some nice long ones ther,

Or the lakes would be good

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