Sorry I've sort of hijacked this thread with Jeep talk.

Does anyone know the lanes around Whittlesey? There seems to be loads of them and I'd like to give them a try but don't think it's a good idea going on my own!
evening all i survived glastonbury and got me tyres muddy, bloody good week just wished i could of took the landy for a spin inside the festy. let me know when you lot are out cheers gas.
well done rusty!! ive cleared most of the jobs on mine, i need it back on the road normal cars are so boring
Might check out Yarwell on the 24th... is anyone else going? Has anyone been before/ does anyone know what it's like?
the quarrys ok, few steep climbs bit of a water splash and you can go as mad of soft as you like, i find a day a bit boring after a while so tend to push the land rover a bit too hard, you will need to take something to clean your number plate and lights after.
id like to do yarwell but thats the weekend before i go away to devon and carnt risk breaking it,
if you do go have fun but like has been said above, i get a bit carried away after a few hours and the big climbs start looking easy untill you belly out near the top and ive got 32"tyres
id like to do yarwell but thats the weekend before i go away to devon and carnt risk breaking it,
if you do go have fun but like has been said above, i get a bit carried away after a few hours and the big climbs start looking easy untill you belly out near the top and ive got 32"tyres

I would have no chance then!
with you "give up" attitude rusty you will be fine, oh no, wait, WAIT! dont go there will be nothing left of your landy or that off roading celica!!
Alright guys hows everyone doin?, im goin ta be at yarwell quarry on sun if anyone wants ta join, r3ubs if your still goin ill be in this


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