yep!! ive got a electrical fault thats beating me at the moment, but time, beer and a multimeter will fix all
evening kev and all hope you all are ok and ya ankle is on the mend , shout if any one going out soon but im at glasto in 2 weeks so after then id be pleased to join in an outing just let me know.
Hi Gas,

ankle is all better cheers. my off roading is on hold now till after my wedding in October.
I have been missing a few trips, gutted!
congrats you fool.. yer let me know when you going out i not been much lately had a quick play in lake district a few weeks ago up for more again now.
Hi Guys

I live fairly local to most of you, live Godmanchester ish have owned a P38 for a while but have just bought a defender 90, which has a winch fitted..!!

Had bought it as a project to knock around farm in etc.

But could be interested in Getting out green laning with you experts so i don't get in a muddle

Just getting it ready for MOT, timing belt and some welding left to do.

So let me know if you are going out again and would welcome a newbie
Next time you are all out on some nice easy lanes (I'm still new to this...) can I join you in a Jeep... or is that classed as swearing round here?!
jeep whats a jeep i thought that was one of them round tent things the nomads slept in , i wont be out for at least 3 weeks im going to glastonbury on sunday.
hi cavey if you live on a farm you have probaly got better greenlanes then there is round here in the flat lands, dig a few big holes and we will all pop round for a play, tell ya misses ya making a duck pond....
jeep whats a jeep i thought that was one of them round tent things the nomads slept in , i wont be out for at least 3 weeks im going to glastonbury on sunday.

Jeep: 4x4 vehicle, sometimes referred to as "Official Landrover Recovery Vehicle".
nearly spat my beer out laughing reading that pls be carefull what you type , oww you mean one of them yanky things are they really 4x4, i didnt know........
hi cavey if you live on a farm you have probaly got better greenlanes then there is round here in the flat lands, dig a few big holes and we will all pop round for a play, tell ya misses ya making a duck pond....

Nice idea

one problem it would have to be the father in law i would need to convince

have to confess had it down some scrub land and sand area theother day when i had got it running andf was bedding in new brakes and rubbing rust off the old ones

Got my winch working

And IT PASSED MOT this afternoon< so tax at end of month and we are all good

Just in time for Harvest i reckon, still guess i will get to ride it around the stubble fields with my toolbox hey

Enjoy Glastonbury

Keep me posted when you are going out next

nearly spat my beer out laughing reading that pls be carefull what you type , oww you mean one of them yanky things are they really 4x4, i didnt know........

Lol yes one of those :p I do need to be more careful. I meant to type "Officially needs to be recovered by Landrover vehicle" :p

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