All user groups have their muppets and it's easy to emphasis differences. Finding common cause and appreciation is more difficult.

Everyone wants simple answers and the truth is often the easiest way to prevent lanes becoming near unusable by other users is to restrict the short term anyway.

I've driven lanes that were unpassable on foot until I'd pushed my way through but more often vehicles destroying the surface, at times wantonly is the bigger issue.

Things are getting better and attitudes are improving but joint user group projects would be a massive boon for us.

We have more to gain from cooperation so if it isn't instigated by us it isn't going to happen.
So you don't include groups other than those "driving, protecting and researching our unique heritage of unsurfaced public highways."?
Isn't that rather short sighted, as other groups such as cyclists, horse riders and ramblers also use the "Country's network of ancient unsurfaced public roads and vehicular rights of way".
If more time was spent finding things we all had in common, rather than constant in-fighting and bickering, I suggest more could be achieved.
I suggest that "Green Laning Ass"ociation is mis-named.
I also suggest that much more could be made of disabled access to the countryside. I cant see many ramblers or horse riders taking disabled passengers on their trips out. 4 wheel motorised transport is, in my opinion, the only method by which perambulatory challenged people can safely be taken to view our wonderful countryside.

Glass will basically work with most groups who will work with us .. there's no, as far as I know, rule saying we won't work with others, indeed I've been invited to a local ramblers meeting to discuss a few issues, after going to the Local Access Forum in Doncaster which is basically ramblers and councillors! I offered to help transport materials and 'stuff' to help repair a foot path .. ;) The examples I gave previously included a joint Glass/TRF repair job ..

The differences in our ways of accessing the lanes mostly keeps us apart, but we're all, mostly, trying to work to resolve this as best we can.

Glass helped fund and setup the group CALM (Countryside access for the less mobile, ), so yes, we're also involved in getting less able bodied out into the sticks.

I'm only a local rep and don't have all the answers. If anyone's really interested then maybe have a look on the Glass website etc and maybe ask such questions on the forum yourself .. You're likely to get a quicker answer than me relaying questions and answers I don't already know .. ;)
Full access to trail wise ( is also another member benefit of GLASS - its run and maintained by GLASS and is designed to be the National Rights of Way catalog.
Glass have always been an arse they did nothing to help when lanes were in danger in my area and as a result we lost plenty despite plenty of submitted user evidence by many a member locally. I will Never forgive them. More interested in their own profile than actually doing what is morally right with Lanes. The in fighting and self importance of some of their members ( Sorry Paul not you but from my experience in the early days) put me off years ago. It seems its come to a head of late and many groups formed on the back of this. I haven't got time for politics within hobbies, either get along nicely or I wont put up any of my time to play.
I've only been a member for three years and recently stepped up as the Rep for Cambs. It's a real shame Jai that happened - I guess an organisation is only as good as it's worst person.

I've seen a few changes in GLASS in the short period I've been with them, and hoping new blood will improve it - only time will tell. Like many other people in the Greenland community I don't like the politics either....and try and rise above it where possible - after all we have enough other problems to deal with in trying to keep the lanes open....

Hopefully in the future the organisation will improve and whilst we can't change the post, hopefully we will be able to gain enough credibility with people like yourself to be able to gain your support in the future.....
Glass have always been an arse they did nothing to help when lanes were in danger in my area and as a result we lost plenty despite plenty of submitted user evidence by many a member locally. I will Never forgive them. More interested in their own profile than actually doing what is morally right with Lanes. The in fighting and self importance of some of their members ( Sorry Paul not you but from my experience in the early days) put me off years ago. It seems its come to a head of late and many groups formed on the back of this. I haven't got time for politics within hobbies, either get along nicely or I wont put up any of my time to play.
+1 I spoke with them and the top few in glass and they all appeared to be oddly warped in their view of what was right. Seemed more intent on dropping LRO names and the fact they were going to interviews with them and names of MP's who were helping and involved than the story... bang the drum don't worry about the tune.

Very much lets start the fire, don't worry which way it burns lets just get it going.

Paul D I really hope you turn it around and I know we have had our differences of opinion... I wanted GLASS to be right and work and I offered help and time but I worry you are a small cog at the bottom as you say "just a rep".
As per, these are personal thoughts, not sanctioned by Glass at all, they're honestly how I feel and I'm NOT getting at anyone personally, 'cos I've heard similar (read identical) from many sources since I joined.

The big 'thing' that made me stick my head up to be counted is that there really isn't another organisation that's trying to do something for all 4x4's and striving to keep Green Lanes open properly and legally. All I'm doing now is an extension of what I was doing as a Green laner locally anyway, just with the backing (for good or bad) of a large organisation .. driving lanes, getting onto the councils to clear them, trying to help people where and when I can and researching legality of lanes. I'm spreading my wings a bit now, South Yorks is a lot bigger than just Doncaster, and I've yet to get round Sheffield, Rotherham and Barnsley properly and it all takes time.

All I can say about the past is perhaps there wasn't the coverage there is now, South Yorkshire never had a rep for instance, and still many areas have no reps and have never had reps, and maybe some people were a bit up their own arses .. I don't know!! What I do know is that it's the same with any organisation I've been with and the best way of changing that situation, to my experience, is to effect change from within not to gripe and denigrate from without as has been done many times.

I'm not afraid to get things wrong, I'm not afraid to say I've done something wrong publicly, but I'll always strive to do stuff correctly and can see many sides to conflicts, for which I'd try to broker an amicable accord, if not full agreement. It ain't easy, 4x4 drivers are so diverse in what they want it's hard to be correct for everyone .. for instance, personally I like gnarly, hard to drive, technical lanes, and many would say I shouldn't drive places like, for example, Hollinsclough and should stick to the Houndskirk road which is pretty easy and won't get damaged (other than by off-piste pillocks). I have a hard time agreeing with some Glass policies, but can see the need for them as blanket 'cover-all circumstances' policies or guidlines, so try to apply them in my own driving, but can also see times when leeway or discretion is needed and even appropriate!

Don't forget, we're all volunteers and sometimes might not react as rapidly as people want, we may not react at all, but that doesn't necessarily mean much, we may be away on holiday! Whatever happened in the past is gone, Glass are changing, we're re-forming, more quickly than ever these days, and hopefully people will see we're doing it for the good of all laners, not just a select few.

I aim to be part of that change, and I'm proud to be even a small part of it.
As per, these are personal thoughts, not sanctioned by Glass at all, they're honestly how I feel and I'm NOT getting at anyone personally, 'cos I've heard similar (read identical) from many sources since I joined.

The big 'thing' that made me stick my head up to be counted is that there really isn't another organisation that's trying to do something for all 4x4's and striving to keep Green Lanes open properly and legally. All I'm doing now is an extension of what I was doing as a Green laner locally anyway, just with the backing (for good or bad) of a large organisation .. driving lanes, getting onto the councils to clear them, trying to help people where and when I can and researching legality of lanes. I'm spreading my wings a bit now, South Yorks is a lot bigger than just Doncaster, and I've yet to get round Sheffield, Rotherham and Barnsley properly and it all takes time.

All I can say about the past is perhaps there wasn't the coverage there is now, South Yorkshire never had a rep for instance, and still many areas have no reps and have never had reps, and maybe some people were a bit up their own arses .. I don't know!! What I do know is that it's the same with any organisation I've been with and the best way of changing that situation, to my experience, is to effect change from within not to gripe and denigrate from without as has been done many times.

I'm not afraid to get things wrong, I'm not afraid to say I've done something wrong publicly, but I'll always strive to do stuff correctly and can see many sides to conflicts, for which I'd try to broker an amicable accord, if not full agreement. It ain't easy, 4x4 drivers are so diverse in what they want it's hard to be correct for everyone .. for instance, personally I like gnarly, hard to drive, technical lanes, and many would say I shouldn't drive places like, for example, Hollinsclough and should stick to the Houndskirk road which is pretty easy and won't get damaged (other than by off-piste pillocks). I have a hard time agreeing with some Glass policies, but can see the need for them as blanket 'cover-all circumstances' policies or guidlines, so try to apply them in my own driving, but can also see times when leeway or discretion is needed and even appropriate!

Don't forget, we're all volunteers and sometimes might not react as rapidly as people want, we may not react at all, but that doesn't necessarily mean much, we may be away on holiday! Whatever happened in the past is gone, Glass are changing, we're re-forming, more quickly than ever these days, and hopefully people will see we're doing it for the good of all laners, not just a select few.

I aim to be part of that change, and I'm proud to be even a small part of it.
A post like that helps...

Whilst we are speaking and debating we are making progress.

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