I'd love to come along if numbers and time suit. Will do anything I can to help, which won't be much from this far away!
I found me instructions for Chippy run 1 the other day.....complete with mud

Any help I can give I will just ask......within reason
Haven't a clue how far away Dorset is ,but yes I'm up for it - will gladly assist all, by not offering to navigate :D and will stick to doing cakes instead
Shaftesbury is in Dorset :eek:.

Well who knew :eek:

I went through that many counties this weekend , I got confused with my north and south too and went the wrong way on the A34 coming back from Newbury- :eek:

like I said I promise I wont navigate but will stick to baking instead :D
boomer wat date s you looking at will be up for another weekend in dorset.It is mine! said she will come as long as the chippie in blandford isn't on list lol.
Ok I have had a search and yes I definitely like chips and yes will definitely be up for this. I know Dorset quite well from the Tarmac, will be good to see it from the lanes. Are you hoping to do this in summer? If so I will try and tie it in with a family camping trip, usually do a week in Rempstone near Corfe.

The main trip will definitely not be happening in the summertime as due to the olympic/paralympic watersports events being held on the south Dorset coast/Weymouth area things will be more than a little chaotic for almost six weeks.
There is a good chance that there may be a recce trip though, just plan your camping as normal and we'll see how things progress ;)

If yesterday's cake offering is anything to go by, then definitely yes.

Haven't a clue how far away Dorset is ,but yes I'm up for it - will gladly assist all, by not offering to navigate :D and will stick to doing cakes instead

No disrespect and I do understand the cake making efforts that have gone on in the past, but this is a Chippie Run ....... (clue's in the title), if you insist on cake the only cake I will allow time for stopping and eating is chocolate cake :p:D
Oh and 110woman, if you head south and go past Dorset there will be a big splash......:rolleyes:

Boomer happy to help recce and lead a group if needed.

Cheers Pikey, but please promise me you won't get lost......:p:D
The main trip will definitely not be happening in the summertime as due to the olympic/paralympic watersports events being held on the south Dorset coast/Weymouth area things will be more than a little chaotic for almost six weeks.
There is a good chance that there may be a recce trip though, just plan your camping as normal and we'll see how things progress ;)

No disrespect and I do understand the cake making efforts that have gone on in the past, but this is a Chippie Run ....... (clue's in the title), if you insist on cake the only cake I will allow time for stopping and eating is chocolate cake :p:D
Oh and 110woman, if you head south and go past Dorset there will be a big splash......:rolleyes:

Cheers Pikey, but please promise me you won't get lost......:p:D

Boomer, If there are a lot of peeps traveling long distance it could be worth looking into trying to get peeps onto a campsite to allow for a booze up afterwards.

And I'm happy to eat cake AND Chippies. I likes chippies I does.:D:D:D
Boomer, If there are a lot of peeps traveling long distance it could be worth looking into trying to get peeps onto a campsite to allow for a booze up afterwards.

And I'm happy to eat cake AND Chippies. I likes chippies I does.:D:D:D

Hence why the trip will definitely be 'out of season' so whatever accommodation peeps choose is within their budget rather than pay the inflated olympic premiums ;)

Don't forget our favourite fish n chip kiosk also does rather nice donuts, I likes donuts :p:p
Me and Deb's will join you for some chip's. I don't know the area but willing to to learn on recce's if you need.
I'd definitely be interested... if its in the school hols, I could bring the whole family and make a camping trip out of it. Might even get a towbar fitted and borrow the old man's pikey wagon...

Not sure if I'm good enough yet at this off-road lark to help out in any way, but any other stuff that wants taking care of, let me know.

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