Hi all, unfortunately I have missed out on this trip, but as I am in this part of the country, was wondering if you wouldn't mind me popping along and saying hi when you get to West Bay?
Hi all, unfortunately I have missed out on this trip, but as I am in this part of the country, was wondering if you wouldn't mind me popping along and saying hi when you get to West Bay?

Someone may even have the capacity to take on ballast.
I'm attending with my daughter, at least to beasties-there on who knows
VW meeting wasn't it?
typically, just before the trip, got a warped front disc, parts coming in the next day or so, never done them before, (on a landy) getting nervous!!:eek:
If anybody wants to avoid Bristol alltogether, or will / could route via Chippenham (J17 M4), give me a shout, as my route from here will be all A-roads. It will take about 1hr 30mins from here, and I'm quite happy to meet up with anybody at an easy-to-find location on the Chippenham bypass and form up in convoy...

What time are you thinking of leaving? we will be leaving Strensham Services at 3 ish, i reckon about 1 1/2 hours to Chipenham. Is that going to be too late?
Either way I will happily take the co-ordinates for BB's field from you :D

Hotel is now sorted, Premier Inn Yeovil
not worn wheel bearing then ?

dont think so, (though i can't rule it out) it feels like very slow ABS. slows right down when braking in traffic. no wobbles or anything unless i'm braking. the pedal pulses with each revolution of the wheel, feels like nearside
werent yu doing a lexus speshul?

Yes the engine is in, gearbox and transfer box in, wiring 90% there and wants rad,power steering pump and few other bits.

I had welder out for something else and thought I'd weld the footwell.

I got as far as half way and got sweats and shakes again- doctor calling tomorrow and waiting for specialist appointment.

:mad: I want it done, but am not well enough,I basically had the adapter back from machine shop- ripped old lump out and had plans for show-not enough time.
Been ill since shortly after show.

A mate that would help died and the other is having a cortisone injection in spine this week.

:mad: what ****es me off the most is VERY LIMITED things I can do without sweating and shaking:mad:

But at least I am mobile:D
Yes the engine is in, gearbox and transfer box in, wiring 90% there and wants rad,power steering pump and few other bits.

A mate that would help died and the other is having a cortisone injection in spine this week.

:mad: what ****es me off the most is VERY LIMITED things I can do without sweating and shaking:mad:
your mate wasn't jimmy savile was he?....:D:D:D

jim couldn't fix it:p

i'll get me coat....
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