oil out pretty quickly should be done before parking truck up ,bearings soon rust/pit where the contact each other with a little water in oil ,you want to remove consol and clean hi/lo and gearbox top out ,as sais before top isnt water proof ,id also want to remove timing cover and clean that out too along with wheel bearings diffs etc
oil out pretty quickly should be done before parking truck up ,bearings soon rust/pit where the contact each other with a little water in oil ,you want to remove consol and clean hi/lo and gearbox top out ,as sais before top isnt water proof ,id also want to remove timing cover and clean that out too along with wheel bearings diffs etc
console bit i can do,diff oils i can do as i have just about enuff ep90 to do that.
gearbox i dont have any mtf,dont have bearings or seals either,removing timing cover i can do that n clean out,cambelt was done 2 months back after cambelt failure
Rich if ya gearbox is fubarred that offer of a spare one still stands. Am sure Robin will pop it over for you if you need it.
console bit i can do,diff oils i can do as i have just about enuff ep90 to do that.
gearbox i dont have any mtf,dont have bearings or seals either,removing timing cover i can do that n clean out,cambelt was done 2 months back after cambelt failure
use atf ,you arent going to be able to change box bearings anyhow ,you may be lucky
use atf ,you arent going to be able to change box bearings anyhow ,you may be lucky

Probably wouldn't do any harm to chuck a tube of molyslip in gearbox as well, the graphite content may help flatten out any pitting in bearing surfaces as James described ;)
I know how frustrating it can be when Sod's law kicks in. Obviously it's not a totally selfless offer but genuine all the same.
Hopefully for wlm's sake it won't be needed. :)

As long as you realise that to 'go where WLM goes' will give your shiny 90 a distinctly 'used' patina :D:D:D
As long as you realise that to 'go where WLM goes' will give your shiny 90 a distinctly 'used' patina :D:D:D

That thought had occurred.. which is why I mentioned 'Shiny'. I don't mind it getting muddy but I didn't want to remodel it just yet.
So I realize the offer of a shiny ride might not be wanted anyway.
That thought had occurred.. which is why I mentioned 'Shiny'. I don't mind it getting muddy but I didn't want to remodel it just yet.
So I realize the offer of a shiny ride might not be wanted anyway.
thanks for the offer but im hoping to make it under me own steam,i just may have to beg,steal,borrow and call in some favours to get the jobs done

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