think it should be worked out before and left to the day to tell peeps as they arrive so peeps have no choice or we will spend all morning shuffleing groups to sort it out, could reduce it to playground level with every one stood in line waiting to be picked, but as usual the fat spotty one will be left till last :rolleyes:
no he won't i had to pull out due to birthday comitments;)
Posted last minute before the trip or in enough time to have everyone moan about it :D ;)

The emphasis is on making the day a successful one without descending into a farce through lack of planning Mintz, you seem to be the only one making an issue out of this :)

If anyone else has a problem with the arrangements say your piece and I'll put together a special dummyspitters group :p:D
think it should be worked out before and left to the day to tell peeps as they arrive so peeps have no choice or we will spend all morning shuffleing groups to sort it out, could reduce it to playground level with every one stood in line waiting to be picked, but as usual I the fat spotty one will be left till last :rolleyes:

Don't be so hard on ya self.. :D
yeh, i was looking forward to it also but mrs wouldn't have made it now due to childminding issues anyhow.
have a family issue looming also which might be conflicting near dates although i think i'll be ok on that.. going as ballast might be an option but cant say for sure until nearer the time, but would be nice.
ive got space if you need ,only me and the boys
The emphasis is on making the day a successful one without descending into a farce through lack of planning Mintz, you seem to be the only one making an issue out of this :)

If anyone else has a problem with the arrangements say your piece and I'll put together a special dummyspitters group :p:D

She goes where I go & I dun't give a **** who else is in the group, I'm in...So she dun't get a say.... :rolleyes:
The emphasis is on making the day a successful one without descending into a farce through lack of planning Mintz, you seem to be the only one making an issue out of this :)

I aint makin an issue out of anythin I was just askin how it is gonna be.........

If anyone else has a problem with the arrangements say your piece and I'll put together a special dummyspitters group :p:D

I dont have a problem with the arrangements.... however I do think you should take into consideration when sortin out the groups to who gets on with who.

Just my opinion everyone is entitled to it :D
The emphasis is on making the day a successful one without descending into a farce through lack of planning Mintz, you seem to be the only one making an issue out of this :)

If anyone else has a problem with the arrangements say your piece and I'll put together a special dummyspitters group :p:D

I gorra winch, cb, lwb and a roofrack.......couldn't care less what group I'm in unless you put me in with a bunch of dummy-spitters in which case they can fook right off and you anorl ya bastid! :mad::eek:
Just my opinion everyone is entitled to it :D

Of course! :)
Don't fret, I'm aware that a certain degree of 'LZ politics' will have to be considered when forming the groups, hence why I asked for vehicle details etc last night so we can plan it over the next week rather than leave it til the last minute ;)
ooh I has a 110 no winch no roofrack (anyone wanna buy a roofrack) & MT's .. tow bar at the back jate rings at the front.. & a CB..

Yu sure the arse snapper is only suitable for 90's??? I is quite happy to try & prove ya wrong :p :D
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Ah - cb. I might have one of them. Got a man owes me, he repairs cb as his hobby. Could be a good time to call in the debt.
I gorra winch, cb, lwb and a roofrack.......couldn't care less what group I'm in unless you put me in with a bunch of dummy-spitters in which case they can fook right off and you anorl ya bastid! :mad::eek:

Ok there's gonna be a noo group called 'Huggies' just for you ya miserable old fart!! :p:p:p:D

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