hmm.. doesnt look quite how id like. basically i want epsom green but not metallic cos i wana roller it!
Nice one matey :) keep up the good work, brings back fond memories of my old nato green 110 ragtop 2.5 was a PETROL though so it had to go in the end :(
Just heard today from Richard at Glencoyne that he may have found a decent 200 tdi donor disco. I've become used to the 2.5 NA but can wait for some more power again. Thinking about a straight through exhaust with the conversion for a bit of a growl. Mind isn't made up on that yet though. For those interested Richard has some good write ups on his site. Glencoyne Website
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New headlights fitted today. The army ones were an odd pair that had seen better days. Decided to fit a crystal set with some upgraded bulbs. This is one of the easiest jobs ive done before on a land rover -








Need to wait to dark and adjust them now. I fitted the same lights to my 90 and was impressed. A massive improvement. Not used these bulbs before but they have good write ups.
i painted mine in that colour too, personally i love it, 2 coats over the keswick £1000 paint job felt satisfying :lol: I just rollered it on and used a paint brush for the fiddly bits, looks clean and smooth all over.
Update for today - The old engine will soon be gone :) Dropped it off today at Glencoyne.

Old engine -

And the new soon to be fitted engine. (still needs some work before fitting)



Hopefully picking it up next weekend if theres no problems.
awesome 110 you've got there!! i absolutely love it :)

Thanks. It's still fairly standard at the moment. There's loads of solid mod defenders being released at the moment. Anyone can pick one up at the moment and spend a week tidying it up to get the same spec. This one will owe me about 6k when the engine conversion is complete. I'm not planning on selling though. Want to keep this one for years.
Picked it up with the new engine today and WOW! It goes like stink. The fit looks awesome. It looks neater than my factory 200tdi 90 did and goes a lot better. Pictures to follow later this weekend.
Here's a quick photo of the new engine fitted. Quality isn't great as I uploaded it from my phone but you get the idea.

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