I dont understand how you reckon its gonna be any cheaper for you to buy a car just for the trip when you have an adequate ine already. I cant see you making much profit on a 800 quid series. Be better just splitting the costs of gas and petrol an doing it in the 110.
I suppose you are right, it would be cheaper to do it in the V8 but we wanted to have a summer project to do as well. I could probably add one of my mates to my policy for not very much, so it could work. Do you think we would be OK to find gas on our way up? And when in Scotland too? Only thing being the car doesn't have a massive range on LPG. Thanks for input by the way, appreciate it. :)
And anyway, as I said we want the vehicle as a little mini-project before we go as part of the fun. We want to prepare our own vehicle. :)

I think they've all missed this bit:doh:, we're all too old and worry about dosh more than you free-spirited youngsters.

There are firm's who'll give you short term insurance

short term insurance - Google Search

but for two 18 yr old's it's gonna sting, would it not be wiser to save the series/insurance funds to tour a bit of Scotland with your 110?
I think they've all missed this bit:doh:, we're all too old and worry about dosh more than you free-spirited youngsters.

There are firm's who'll give you short term insurance

short term insurance - Google Search

but for two 18 yr old's it's gonna sting, would it not be wiser to save the series/insurance funds to tour a bit of Scotland with your 110?

That's exactly it :D I was gonna say that but I didn't want to **** them all off, as they are giving useful advice... for once :p
It's abit time 'at bairn learnt 'at he'd be better aff sharin' th' fuel bills wi' his mates an' forgot abit buyin' a series
Well, oookaayy then.

Ahhh'll tek the hiigh r-r-r-oad and you'll take the low r-r-r-oad, and I'll be in Scotland befooore yee, for yoou are ma tr-r-rue love to never meet agen, on the bonnay, bonnay banks of lochglomond! :D:D:D *bows*
Well, oookaayy then.

Ahhh'll tek the hiigh r-r-r-oad and you'll take the low r-r-r-oad, and I'll be in Scotland befooore yee, for yoou are ma tr-r-rue love to never meet agen, on the bonnay, bonnay banks of lochglomond! :D:D:D *bows*

Well that wus pretty crap:rolleyes::D
How's a bout ...

Ah'll tak the high road an' ye'll tak the low road, and Ah'll be in scotland afore ye, where me and ma true love will nevvur meet agin, on the bonnie bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond;):D:D
Well that wus pretty crap:rolleyes::D
How's a bout ...

Ah'll tak the high road an' ye'll tak the low road, and Ah'll be in scotland afore ye, where me and ma true love will nevvur meet agin, on the bonnie bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond;):D:D

Fair enough fair enough, now lets see you try to do a south eastern England accent! ;)
Well that wus pretty crap:rolleyes::D
How's a bout ...

Ah'll tak the high road an' ye'll tak the low road, and Ah'll be in scotland afore ye, where me and ma true love will nevvur meet agin, on the bonnie bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond;):D:D

lol, i hate to tell you this Buster but when i read that i was imagining my scottish friend Dot saying it, I'm sure you have a much deeper voice than Dot tho:eek::D:D:p
oh and back to topic lol, Langers you would have to be some kind of loon to want to go to Scotland in an S3:eek: i love mine but no way would i want to do long distance in it!! you'd be deaf after 50 miles!, the soles of your shoes would have melted after 100 miles from the engine/exhaust heat coming up through the floor! Thats if you managed to go 100 miles without needing a lift from the AA or RAC :D and if you did finally make it you'd spend a week flat on your back trying to get all your bones back in the right place after they're been rattled by the lovely series suspension:D
oh and back to topic lol, Langers you would have to be some kind of loon to want to go to Scotland in an S3:eek: i love mine but no way would i want to do long distance in it!! you'd be deaf after 50 miles!, the soles of your shoes would have melted after 100 miles from the engine/exhaust heat coming up through the floor! Thats if you managed to go 100 miles without needing a lift from the AA or RAC :D and if you did finally make it you'd spend a week flat on your back trying to get all your bones back in the right place after they're been rattled by the lovely series suspension:D

Thanks awfully for your concern, but you're forgetting; we're young, dumb, and adventurous teenagers :D You guys have probably convinced me to take the 110 now anyway... damn thing's too comfortable for my liking. :D
Whatever you decide to do, make sure to make time to go up the A82, then the A85 to Loch Awe and drive round it. Scenery like you wouldnt believe, in my opinion anyway. Always camp there when I'm back up seeing family. Fishing as well, if you're into that kinda thing.
lol, i hate to tell you this Buster but when i read that i was imagining my scottish friend Dot saying it, I'm sure you have a much deeper voice than Dot tho:eek::D:D:p

Ah'd like tae think ah have LB... but sum o' the wummin up here have bigger baws and mare facial hair than some o' the men!!:eek::p:D:D:D

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