when you get near inverness try catching some haggis,if you can squeeze the blood out you will get 75mpg...a bugger to catch though..

Corr no thanks mate I'm good, we'll have a nice massive supply of Heinz finest with us when we go. :D
Anti-clockwise right enough. Cockwise ones are harder to catch and cost more. they are apparently getting a taste for LPG, they have been found under the bonnets of over 120cars in the Inverness area in the last month.
Actually I've got an even better idea... we're not going until summer is well and truly underway, so I've got time to sort out a much more suitable vehicle than my V8. I'll sell the V8 in a few months time (for a profit, probably). I have a 1988 110 CSW in my dad's yard that needs a 200 tdi putting in it, (it has a dead 19j at the minute) so I'll get a couple of mates around and we'll set to work preparing that one for the trip, if we can find a cheap tdi. It needs a lick of paint and some bits bolting onto it, but it should be the ideal vehicle once we're done :D

I'll keep y'all posted with piccies and such-like once we get started :) Thanks again for all the advice chaps :D
Can't help thinking we are all missing the point here. If you want to get to Scotland in something cheap and reliable, with limited scope for adventure and inconvenience... and if you are trying to avoid any experiences that you can tell your grandchildren about, just hire something sensible.
BUT NO! You are 18 or so, you originally wanted to live the (OK, daft) dream of touring Scotland in a Series Landy.. so DO IT! When I was your age (alright, it was in the early 70s), a mate, an enormous dog and I toured Scotland in a 1955 Series One (NFS 103, ran it on paraffin once the engine was warmed up - smelled like a Boeing 747) and camped in an old RAF cargo parachute draped over the back of the tilt - heads against the mid bulkhead, feet overhanging the tailboard, dog kipping wherever he liked and farting like a trumpet. We lived on beans, plus fish we caught and rabbits we shot with a 22 air rifle. Landy broke down several times, we got the squitters, we got soaked, it cost a bloody fortune and we got arrested in Ullapool for trying to prove our sobriety by walking a straight line - the one in the middle of the road.
Would I do it again? - absolutely not, cos I'm 55, I'm relatively sensible and I can afford to travel and live in a degree of comfort. Would I recommend it to a bunch of 18-year olds? Too bloody right I would! It's a stupid, ill-conceived, but FANTASTIC idea and you'll look back on all the disasters, discomfort, breakdowns and hangovers with a contented smile one day when you are too old, knackered and sensible to consider doing anything so wonderful ever again.
Just a thought.
Can't help thinking we are all missing the point here. If you want to get to Scotland in something cheap and reliable, with limited scope for adventure and inconvenience... and if you are trying to avoid any experiences that you can tell your grandchildren about, just hire something sensible.
BUT NO! You are 18 or so, you originally wanted to live the (OK, daft) dream of touring Scotland in a Series Landy.. so DO IT! When I was your age (alright, it was in the early 70s), a mate, an enormous dog and I toured Scotland in a 1955 Series One (NFS 103, ran it on paraffin once the engine was warmed up - smelled like a Boeing 747) and camped in an old RAF cargo parachute draped over the back of the tilt - heads against the mid bulkhead, feet overhanging the tailboard, dog kipping wherever he liked and farting like a trumpet. We lived on beans, plus fish we caught and rabbits we shot with a 22 air rifle. Landy broke down several times, we got the squitters, we got soaked, it cost a bloody fortune and we got arrested in Ullapool for trying to prove our sobriety by walking a straight line - the one in the middle of the road.
Would I do it again? - absolutely not, cos I'm 55, I'm relatively sensible and I can afford to travel and live in a degree of comfort. Would I recommend it to a bunch of 18-year olds? Too bloody right I would! It's a stupid, ill-conceived, but FANTASTIC idea and you'll look back on all the disasters, discomfort, breakdowns and hangovers with a contented smile one day when you are too old, knackered and sensible to consider doing anything so wonderful ever again.
Just a thought.

Aye, that's the kind of thing we're looking for. In fact, I have one or two large dogs already so that's one bit sorted I spose!

Saying that, I still think we'll be taking the 110 as it's going to be a lot cheaper than buying yet another vehicle... plus it looks like there's going to be 6 or 7 of us now, everybody wants to come :D

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