Ive driven quite a few series landys from Staffs to Harwich, about 200 miles...and every time i swear to god its the last time..loud, slow, bits fall off, they break down, i break down...all my teeth fell out near Cambridge and i now have a squint like Clarence the cross-eyed lion.

A trip to Scotland in an old series with your mates...you'd get to Milton Keynes before one or more of you would either be murdered or in need of lifelong anti-psychotic medication.

Have a nice trip..........

In the V8 :)
so me plan to drive a series 2 towing a series 1 from Berkshire to Orkney isn't a good idea either i guess
have you collected the blue thing yet ?

Saturday the 6th...cant wait, i caught scurvy on a train last week! Sorted with the payment...he wasn't aware of how much paypal would take!! may be in your neck of woods monday the 8th if you're thirsty!
Righto then... looks like it's the V8. Now is there anything... anything I can do to it to improve the fuel economy at all? I've only had it 2 weeks, so I haven't done anything at all to it yet. :)
Now is there anything... anything I can do to it to improve the fuel economy at all? I've only had it 2 weeks, so I haven't done anything at all to it yet. :)

Put the bodyshell onto this:D:D

But is there anything I can check on the LPG system or the carbs to make sure I get as many MPG as possible? I love tha V8 more than anything in the world... but it sure loves to drink!
I love tha V8 more than anything in the world... but it sure loves to drink!

I might be wrong, but LPG has a lower calorific value per litre than petrol so will return lower MPG, hence you only getting 10 mpg but at around 50p per litre for the price of LPG you're getting 20mpg, not too bad considering it's a V8.

Just remember you're driving something that's as aerodynamic as a brick and with a thirsty engine in it to boot:eek:, incorrect tyre pressure can dent the mpg as can having that roof rack on.

When was the LPG system and engine last serviced?
Engine has been well serviced, most recently about 1,000 miles ago. I will definitely do a full oils change before we set off. The LPG I'm not so sure about, I haven't got any documents to show any previous services at all. Perhaps I should take it to an LPG garage to let them have a look at it?
when you get near inverness try catching some haggis,if you can squeeze the blood out you will get 75mpg...a bugger to catch though..

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