
Well-Known Member
I'm sure this has happened many times before. In Warminster there is a BOAT that terminates in a housing estate. I've checked the Wiltshire CC definitive ROW mapping and the route is open.

Today as I approached the end this is what I found.


I couldn't get through and was forced to reverse back up the track- there was no one about to ask to politely move the vehicle and due to my age I doubt I'd be received well!

The end of the track is at GRID ST 863 442 and is signposted byway from the housing estate.

Is there anything that can formally be done to stop people parking like this again? What action, if any should I take?

@Paul D
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I am not anything with GLASS, other than an ordinary member, but I do drive a lot in the country, surfaced and unsurfaced.

It is possible that has been left there deliberately, maybe not to deter 4wd, but to slow down speeding mountain bikes, a menace everywhere these days.

For me, future action would depend on whether it is a one off, or a regular thing.

If you go back, and it is there again, I think you need to get out, and call at the house with the car out the back. Ask if someone will move it. It may be they will do so.

If they refuse to move it, or if you cant raise anyone at all with best effort, it might be a plan to contact the rights of way officer at the county council, if they have one.

If you are a GLASS member, your own glass rep may help you to do this. If not, might be an idea to join!
I get the impression that it was there because they were ignorant to what a "byway" is. I doubt anyone has driven it recently- maybe some gentle education wouldn't go a miss?

Due to work I'm not ever in one place long enough to warrant joining!
I get the impression that it was there because they were ignorant to what a "byway" is. I doubt anyone has driven it recently- maybe some gentle education wouldn't go a miss?

Due to work I'm not ever in one place long enough to warrant joining!

The lane doesn't look very well used, and they may have issues with mtb.

For me, speaking to them is the only logical next step if it is there next time.

Doesn't make any difference where you live, Glass is a national organisation, and needs the support of all those with an interest in the lanes! :)
I'm South Yorkshire rep, but would agree entirely with what's been said by @Turboman

Some obstacles can be moved, abated, such as fallen trees, but someone's pride and joy might cause way more grief than is needed, so yes, try to speak with them first, if it happens again inform local council ROW officers, and contact local Glass rep .. I believe that would be Dale Wyatt who is also editor of the Glass magazine, contact him at editor@glass-uk.org Contact Wilts ROW officer at rightsofway@wiltshire.gov.uk

Hope that helps .. :)
Thats really useful, I shall email him.

The difficulty I face is; a 22 year old knocking at someone's door is a recipe for disaster, it is likely to start immediate confrontation no matter how polite I try to be!
Thats really useful, I shall email him.

The difficulty I face is; a 22 year old knocking at someone's door is a recipe for disaster, it is likely to start immediate confrontation no matter how polite I try to be!

Shouldn't be really, so long as you are polite and know your stuff.

I stop all sorts coming through here, its often the middle aged and respectable ones that cut up roughest! :)
Middle aged people and the elderly are, in general, totally intolerant of the younger generation.

If I don't shave and walk through the village people won't acknowledge my existence. On the 11 Nov when I'm stood in FAD with my medal on they can't get enough of it!

Last week on the train the middle age ticket man pushed me out the way because I was dressed in sports kit, and then blamed me when I politely pulled him up on it! What made the situation worse was all the civil servants who were also middle aged turned their backs and refused to acknowledge what had happened- had he or they known what I do for a job they wouldn't have dared!
Middle aged people and the elderly are, in general, totally intolerant of the younger generation.

If I don't shave and walk through the village people won't acknowledge my existence. On the 11 Nov when I'm stood in FAD with my medal on they can't get enough of it!

Last week on the train the middle age ticket man pushed me out the way because I was dressed in sports kit, and then blamed me when I politely pulled him up on it! What made the situation worse was all the civil servants who were also middle aged turned their backs and refused to acknowledge what had happened- had he or they known what I do for a job they wouldn't have dared!

Sadly, I think people generally are pretty intolerant nowadays. Probably on account of being in such a rush all the time.

I once stopped a lady whizzing through the yard on her bike, I had already caught her dog running around the cattle.

When I suggested she keep the dog on a lead, and ride at a reasonable speed, she freaked, effing and jeffing and callng me a fascist. And this isn't a ROW of any kind, not even a footpath.

I found out later she was a schoolteacher! :D
Thats really useful, I shall email him.

The difficulty I face is; a 22 year old knocking at someone's door is a recipe for disaster, it is likely to start immediate confrontation no matter how polite I try to be!
Totally its idiotic to suggest confrontation. Just leave it to the council, its their job.
I dunno, I find the vast majority of people approachable.

There's always some who think and behave according to stereotypes but they're generally dicks and and its not worth falling into the same trap.

Politely knock on the door. If they're agressive/overly defensive/ refuse just shrug your shoulders, walk away and report them to the ROW officer. No worries :)

9 times out of 10 you'll have a pleasant if slightly confused conversation and part amicably and you never know....

They might have cake that needs eating.

AKA cake :D
Totally its idiotic to suggest confrontation. Just leave it to the council, its their job.

I disagree 'cos it's not a confrontation, it's a polite request.

'course, going storming in asking who's ****heap's blocking the way won't help, but I'd say the worst that would happen is he's told to 'Go Away' in which case ROW Officer and back off .. :)
I disagree 'cos it's not a confrontation, it's a polite request.

'course, going storming in asking who's ****heap's blocking the way won't help, but I'd say the worst that would happen is he's told to 'Go Away' in which case ROW Officer and back off .. :)

I've never easily slotted into any part of the mainstream so I'm used to being judged on first impression and knocking on someone's door uninvited is kinda invading their territory a little but I find a "Sorry to bother you....." before I start demanding cake works well :)

Oh......and there was sommink about a car....probably not important
Totally its idiotic to suggest confrontation. Just leave it to the council, its their job.

Nobody suggested confrontation. I suggested he knock on the door, and ask politelyif they would mind moving their car, as it is blocking the byway.

Highly likely they are unaware it is a Byway, or have parked the vehicle there to slow down mountain bikes, as I mentioned before.
Thats the impression I get, most folk wouldn't know what a byway is. It has the appearance of a footpath, had they been out in the garden Id suggest they'd be shocked that a vehicle was driving down it.
Thats the impression I get, most folk wouldn't know what a byway is. It has the appearance of a footpath, had they been out in the garden Id suggest they'd be shocked that a vehicle was driving down it.

Most have no idea. All sorts through here, walkers, bikes, horses, motorbikes, odd 4wd.
Obviously never occurred to any of em to look at any kind of OS, County Map etc. It is not even marked as a footpath.

That doesn't look like it gets a lot of vehicle use, likely to be more bikes and dog walkers, maybe locals using for access to the backs of their houses.
If its someone just moved in, they may not even know it is a byway.
I think that would apply if it was an unclassified Road. But it's a BOAT I don't think that would legally be regarded as a highway?

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