Has long as your dog is suitably restrained, you will not commit the offence of 'an unsafe load' thus punishable by means of an non endorsable fixed penalty notice

And no not all police officers are b*****ds freebiker
Has long as your dog is suitably restrained, you will not commit the offence of 'an unsafe load' thus punishable by means of an non endorsable fixed penalty notice

And no not all police officers are b*****ds freebiker

Ok fair play, i've said it many of times myself before and i'll say it again not all police are bastards. As above, the vast majority are.

I almost joined my local specials when i first turned 18, had the forms filled in and everything. The thing that stopped me is the fact i'd want to kick the **** out of 90% of my 'colleagues' because i wouldn't agree with them on so many levels. I'm happier working in an office doing a job i love alongside people who i can have a laugh with and are all 'good, genuine people'.

Back to topic, my black lab in the UK would never stick her head out the window but if it was down she'd used to rest the very edge of her chin on the window. I take it she didn't like bugs but did like the nice cold air on her nose.
He was probably just looking for a reason to put his blues on. You handled the matter the best way imo. Most cops don't appreciate being argued with (they are often more inclined to believe that they're best informed, and are therefore correct) and if you try and put up a fight, they may find a way to make things difficult for you.

Had I been in that situation, I would have played along like you. Taken his badge number (shown on their epaulettes), noted down the time and date and would have reported the matter. Whether or not they'd do anything about it, is another matter altogether.

At the end of the day, all they're doing is intimidating drivers. This is why so many genuine people have little respect for police officers. They're supposed to be there to help, not to make law abiding citizens feel intimidated and guilty for doing nothing wrong. Of course, that's not to say that they're all bad. On the other hand, it only takes a few to misrepresent them all. Image counts for a lot, especially when it's them who supposedly want to work with the public!
It always amazes me how many morons there are out there that let their dogs stick their heads out of the side windows.

That's one of the funniest (where's the irony icon) things I've read today... :rolleyes:
Has long as your dog is suitably restrained, you will not commit the offence of 'an unsafe load' thus punishable by means of an non endorsable fixed penalty notice

:rolleyes: And who classifies a dog as a 'load'? What next fixed penalties for a dog not wearing a seatbelt......
:rolleyes: And who classifies a dog as a 'load'? What next fixed penalties for a dog not wearing a seatbelt......

Pretty much everyone. Even passengers are a "load". If you have a 5 seater car and have 6+ passenger in it, what do you think the offence you are risking getting done for, is called?
I'd be more likely to drive into an M&S bra advert than a car with a labrador in the back, and they aren't illegal.
i ride around with my dogs in the back together with my shotgun. thank **** for the police.. I never appreciated the danger !!
Even passengers are a "load".

mmm, that fits, I shouldn't expect our highly respected police to treat car passengers as actual real people then.

note to self....... remember to lash the jack russels down good and tight in future.
mmm, that fits, I shouldn't expect our highly respected police to treat car passengers as actual real people then.

note to self....... remember to lash the jack russels down good and tight in future.

If you have a 5 seater car and have 6+ passengers in it, what do you think the offence you are risking getting done for, is called?
The law says that when carrying a dog in a motor vehicle the dog must not be able to distract the driver or cause the driver to crash. It says nothing about other drivers being distracted,If a driver is distracted by looking at a dog in somebodies car then then they are not concentrating on the road ..
is having a dog on your lap while driving an offence? old bill followed me for a 4 miles over the weekend . pulled up at traffic lights with them still behind and some crazy woman with dog on lap pulled up next to me. have a guess what old bill done . yes thats right f.a. but still followed me for another few miles b4 turning off.
No but you replied to a thread entitled "anyone know about laws please " - do you know the answer to the question?

ffs what is this? regardless of the title i've read the discussion and responded with an opinion as always, just as many others have. Why the need to question me? i'm not arsed what the offence is called or whether, as you seem to be implying, you do cos i won't be committing it. :D
mmm, that fits, I shouldn't expect our highly respected police to treat car passengers as actual real people then.

note to self....... remember to lash the jack russels down good and tight in future.

ffs what is this? regardless of the title i've read the discussion and responded with an opinion as always, just as many others have. Why the need to question me? i'm not arsed what the offence is called or whether, as you seem to be implying, you do cos i won't be committing it. :D

The point being, if you don't know, why feel the need to make a sarcastic comment doubting it, when in fact, from a legal point of view, the word used is "load" and it applies to anything - dogs, luggage, people, etc. You're not arsed to find out (5 mins with Google search would have gotten you the answer) but you spend your time making negative posts - not great karma.
, he had a quick look around the car

Sounds like PC Plum was more interested in the motor itself....... probably never even seen a commercial FL before (bet he was hoping for a modded wagon)


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