If I may ask some advice from the far more knowledgeable on here?
The little truck (2002 TD4) was running fine and then spluttered to a halt, anyway after a bit of messing, there is no buzzing of the fuel pump on turning key, so obviously that is the snag.
I am assuming the wheel arch pump is knackered, but should I be able to hear the in-tank pump working? At present I hear no pump noises at all!
Is there a test for the in-tank pump without resorting to plugging the car into a code reader?
Many thanks for any advice.
Firstly check that the inertia switch hasn't tripped. If fuses are good then use a multimeter at the in-tank pump electrical connector. Battery voltage should be available following ignition 'on' if Ok then suspect the pump if not then check the fuel pump relay by substitution. If the relay is good then take a look for wiring faults. D..
Thanks for the advice guys - since been out to the truck and can now hear the wheel arch pump run intermittently and the truck will now start!!!!!
So kind of rules out electrical supply problems to me, so knackered pump or blocked filter?

So there!
dunt call it a truck un ear. . . .REET as Sirus sed check yer fuses and also yer fuel pump relay. . . .with ignition on [yes i know its a doozle] it shuld run fer 10-15 secs then stop [hits the fuel pressure switch] . . . . .check that furst:)
OK - suitably told off for my use of the T word.
Fuel filter was very restricted so have changed that and my little "T" now starts but will not rev above 3500 rpm.
Can now hear wheel arch pump run, still a bit intermittently, and fuel is flowing.
Now think it must be the main in tank pump...

So that reply means that is definitely the fookin fuel pump - but which one!!!!!
I need to fix this - hairdressing appointments to keep................
So that reply means that is definitely the fookin fuel pump - but which one!!!!!
I need to fix this - hairdressing appointments to keep................
dissconect yer fuel pipe from rear pump [wiff ing on ,it shuld **** out] remember these pumps can go intermittant [sumtimes werk sumtime dunt]. . . . .:) :) :)
Thanks - tried that - no fuel flow, so ordered new tank pump.
Having to drive slitty suzuki thing at mo, I know another two swear words. It is bloody 'orrible...... but transport.
I am being really thick here - bought a new in tank pump, part no WFX500070.
On the electrical connector on the top there are four wires, makes sence, two for the pump supply, two for gauging.
Now on the pump in the gaylander (using correct terminology now) the top multipin connector only has two wires! Removing the plug results in the gauge on the dash fall to zero. Where does the supply for the pump come from?
Plugging in but not fitting the new pump - nothing appears to happen but the contents gauge on the dash goes to full and moving the float has no effect on the gauge.
I am confused, have I got the wrong part?


I am being really thick here - bought a new in tank pump, part no WFX500070.
On the electrical connector on the top there are four wires, makes sence, two for the pump supply, two for gauging.
Now on the pump in the gaylander (using correct terminology now) the top multipin connector only has two wires! Removing the plug results in the gauge on the dash fall to zero. Where does the supply for the pump come from?
Plugging in but not fitting the new pump - nothing appears to happen but the contents gauge on the dash goes to full and moving the float has no effect on the gauge.
I am confused, have I got the wrong part?



Hi Chris
I have just replaced the in-tank pump on my 2001(51) TD4. The part number of the replacement pump was WFX500070. This is the one with 4 wires from the socket on the top of the pump. Two go to the fuel gauge/float and two to the electric pump. I know that at some point during 2002 Land Rover changed the pump spec to one that only has two wires (I was mistakenly supplied with this one first). If you ordered WFX500070 and it only has two wires then your supplier has messed up.
By the way, three days after replacing this pump my primary fuel pump (the one in the engine bay) packed up :(.
Hope this helps.
Tony Black
I have received the pump I ordered, WFX500070, with the four wires - mine is a two wire system, so the part in the tank does not actually contain a pump, just a gauge and fuel pick up system. So therefore it must only have the one pump, the one in the rear wheel arch which appears to be working, but as the engine won't rev above about 3500 must not be supplying enough fuel.
So many different variations of a simple system.......
Hence the confusion!
Thanks for your help.
Are you sure that it doesn't have a primary (in line) pump in the engine bay (next to the fuel filter in a black plastic housing just behind the battery and below the fuse/relay box) as well as the rear wheel arch pump? I thought all the TD4s did.
Both of my pumps have failed recently. When the rear pump went the engine died would not start at all. The front one failing caused intermitant starting and the inability to go above 2000 rpm.
Both pump and filter are located in the rear wheel arch, I believe this to be the situation from sometime in 2002. Mine is a 2002 model. Cannot find any low pressure pump in the engine bay!!!!!
Good eh!

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