
Hi, are you aware the government is STILL CONSIDERING a price rise of 16p to the price of a gallon, that makes it £6.32ish around me.Time to write to your mp and say/shout NO, enough is enough.http://action.fairfueluk.com/CutFuelDutyNow. Please go to this web site sign the petition and help send the message to the idiots in charge(alleged) that we have had enough of them sticking their hands into are hard earned cash. On the dark side if they do raise the price we are all going to be left with cars that we cant afford to run and because the general public know they are not the most economical of vehicles we WONT be abe to sell them. PLEASE act now. if link dosent work they do have a web site. Thanks for reading and allowing me this rant.:fighting:
im a member of fair fuel uk and have been invited to london to speak with the govt about this issue

i would go but the price of fuel has forced me to decline the offer i simply cannot afford to go !!!
Sick and tired. Just stuck in 15litres of veggie from a known discount store straight in me diesel.

It's half the reason I had to sell my beloved rangie:mad::mad:
Just passed a BP garage on my way home and it was 149.9, and petrol was 141.9. What a descrase!
Use this link if you want to have the highest impact. It will allow you to contact your MP by email / FAX whatever they accept directly.

Lobbyists reckon that a little personal effort (as suggested on the OP's link), rather than copy pasting a message, will have far more impact. I also noticed that the link does not seem to enter the recipient's name, in the preview section it showed all my details, but not the name of my MP??

I've used the information from the OP's link, and let my MP know that I think a 16ppl is ridiculous with the economy as it is currently, I also threw in the effect it would have on my employer, by drivinng up the cost of the goods we export, thereby making it harder for us to export and earn the UK hard cash.

I doubt it'll make much difference, but I tried :)

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