Direct action will be needed, me thinks, but who will have the balls to start the ball rolling? I've signed the E Petition, and linked to Facebook..
i was told the lorry firms get a cost reduction from the government on their derv to keep them from direct action blockades ect like in the 90"s is this why the gov are getting away with this so easy
been a member of the fair fuel campaighn for quite some tiime, writing to my mp on a regular basis but i shall be amazed if it will do any good, living where we do and wifey being disabled we need our transport, public transport is a complete joke :mad:
Thing to do would be to boycott one company a week nationally. They have very little storage capacity for the fuel so they would have to pay for it. When the cost hit home then they will really start lobbying the government. That's what happend with shell when they wanted to create a reef with an old oil rig by sinking it in the north sea in the 1990's. Bp by me has gone up the past week by about 3 or 4 pence a litre before the price hike.
our governments living in a little world of its own.... they are now dragging out toll roads and pay per mile via satellites to, they claim, raise money for road repairs... totally ignoring that we pay both road tax and fuel taxes allready.
i was told the lorry firms get a cost reduction from the government on their derv to keep them from direct action blockades ect like in the 90"s is this why the gov are getting away with this so easy

nothing to stop landyzoners from doing blockades all around the country !

im sure if there were "pull over and join in if your AGAINST FUSL PRICES" , then dozens of motorists would oull over

with the power of social networking sites etc, im sure a mass campain could be ammassed by the general public to all blockade and protest at garages across the country at peak times, its about time people stopped taking it and letting the goverment bum rape us, and actualy do something , planned boycots wont work as pasers by/people needing fuel, will just go in and buy fuel anyway-its those people and everyone else, that need to be blocked from buying fuel and a bit of chaos caused across the country
our governments living in a little world of its own.... they are now dragging out toll roads and pay per mile via satellites to, they claim, raise money for road repairs... totally ignoring that we pay both road tax and fuel taxes allready.

THIS IS ALSO TRUE !!:mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2:
i was told the lorry firms get a cost reduction from the government on their derv to keep them from direct action blockades ect like in the 90"s is this why the gov are getting away with this so easy

I was listening to our Chancellor harping on that fuel would have been so much more expensive if Labour had won the election. I dont want to hear that pish, I want the cost of fuel to be lowered now. I am a law abiding member of the public but I am getting fecked off with the way motorists are being hit time after time. Direct action is looking attractive.
Thing is if you blockade petrol station you help nothing, most are franchised and make pence off the fuel hence why they charge a load on other stuff and tend to sell everything. You just succeed in hurting a small business owner who didnt deserve it. Blockade refineries to hurt them. Go slow on m25 on a monday morning would do more. Better over 5 days.
And now they are proposing to effectively privatise the roads, I cannot begin to tell you how displeased I am with our elected representatives at the moment...........My next post may well include lots of words from the more Saxon elements of the English language.
writing to your MP won't get you very far I know because I get irate and write to mine now and then and every time when I get a reply I think why did I bother, They totally ignore your questions and protests and spout on about how important it is to do what they are advocating "but thank you for your concerns" etc blah blah.
Well I have come to the conclusion that they don't give a rats ass about us, not in the slightest, they will feed us a load of BS at election time and once in "Power" they carry on doing what's best for the corporations and banks that funded their election campain.
Nothing will change until they understand that they ain't in "power" and that they are public servants, and that won't happen unless the whole nation stands together and to be honest nobody can be bothered.

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