Roads in the Isle of Man are bad, and I mean BAD. Did the bushes many years ago on a Classic and it made a big difference. So when the p38 started to bang, over the bumps, I did mine with poly bushes (red) sorted it for a short while but back again to banging (probably wrong to say banging, its more a sort of thump/bump or slight bang which spoils the ride) so went for original bushes and wow much better, in fact marvelous. This was three years ago and they all need doing again but I am looking forward to a smooth ride again. Obviously all bushes need changing as last time.
I'm getting the impression from a few places that the poly bushes are not as good as the original ones - just easier to install.
Sorry but I didn't think the radius arms do anything round corners thats the panhard rod task.
Bits arrive today - yippee.
I'm getting the impression from a few places that the poly bushes are not as good as the original ones - just easier to install.
Sorry but I didn't think the radius arms do anything round corners thats the panhard rod task.
Bits arrive today - yippee.

Yep you know best , that's why your on here asking !
I'm getting the impression from a few places that the poly bushes are not as good as the original ones - just easier to install.
Sorry but I didn't think the radius arms do anything round corners thats the panhard rod task.
Bits arrive today - yippee.
you can get different types of poly bush ,but as long as ease of fitting and removal they tend yto give firmer ride ,which is desirable in some cases, genuine bushes do in my experience last longer and are better
What gets me your so sure it's fine , you won't get it re mot' d or argue the fact , but you want to spend time underneath pulling it apart !
What gets me your so sure it's fine , you won't get it re mot' d or argue the fact , but you want to spend time underneath pulling it apart !

Well even I am sure, I'm no expert so I open to the fact that I could be wrong. After all there has been no conclusive info here to say they never fail.

I could go to another MOT place and test it again but there are other bits I need to do on the RR so I have to be under it anyway.
Ah we'll if your under there anyway. You can get a crow bar take a photo and show us how good you think they are then Can't you
ok, so long as they are new bushes. obviously not used.

if not, why are they allowed to manufacture and supply other types of bushes that ar not the same spec as OEM?

feel free to chew my head off. :)

Basically because they can. Make an apparently, according to the write ups and ad bumf, all singing and dancing bush set for a few quid and sell it for a lot of quids is good business. People out there will buy them. Are they better than standard stuff, maybe not, in some cases definitely not. But there is a market so it is supplied.
Basically because they can. Make an apparently, according to the write ups and ad bumf, all singing and dancing bush set for a few quid and sell it for a lot of quids is good business. People out there will buy them. Are they better than standard stuff, maybe not, in some cases definitely not. But there is a market so it is supplied.

i do agree with what your saying Wammers, there will always be a supply and demand for parts for any kind of vehicle.

i remember when working for M/Benz, we used to have people coming in and saying they can get the same parts half the price at a factors. sometimes they were better or the same as OEM, at other times maybe not. it could just be down to luck of the draw in some cases.
i do agree with what your saying Wammers, there will always be a supply and demand for parts for any kind of vehicle.

i remember when working for M/Benz, we used to have people coming in and saying they can get the same parts half the price at a factors. sometimes they were better or the same as OEM, at other times maybe not. it could just be down to luck of the draw in some cases.

That has always been the case. But in the old days you generally got good quality alternative to factory stuff. Today however China and India and others are turning out some real ****e. Even previously well branded stuff of old is made out there so it is a bloody minefield now.
That has always been the case. But in the old days you generally got good quality alternative to factory stuff. Today however China and India and others are turning out some real ****e. Even previously well branded stuff of old is made out there so it is a bloody minefield now.
That's right just need to Siphon out the crap

Advanced Polyurethane Car Suspension Bushes

Are those rubber bushes you replaced just months ago worn out already? Is handling soggy and vague? Are tyres wearing prematurely? Is your main dealer no longer stocking bushes for your car? Are your present bushes undermining road-holding capability? These are some of the problems SuperFlex polyurethane bushes are developed to overcome for you. This unique polyurethane product range, marketed by SuperFlex, pioneered over two decades, and now comprising over 2000 different thoroughly-proven automotive applications is, deservedly, the clear market leader - world-wide. For performance and quality, backed by a full 3-year road warranty, SuperFlex polyurethane bushes are unrivalled - a real value long term benefit to the feel of your car.

SuperFlex polyurethane suspension bushes are not mere copies of the original rubber bushes. They are individually designed to take full advantage of the special characteristics of polyurethane - its durability, and exceptional friction-absorbing capability not hitherto attainable with rubber. Critical crush, pre-load, and location factors are calculated to achieve positive, responsive driver feedback, which complements a vehicle's roadholding capability - coupled with ride refinement. The four manufactured formulations of firmness (70, 80, 90, & 95 Shore-A) enable us to match the needs of each individual application. The superior finish of SuperFlex polyurethane bushes - machine-finished where appropriate - is not purely cosmetic either. It ensures a precise fit – an important part of the optimum crush, pre-load, and location equation. Sophisticated casting techniques maintain the consistency and accuracy that put SuperFlex polyurethane suspension bushes - and the resultant quality of handling that you will experience - in a class of their own. The SuperFlex experience comes only when you fit genuine SuperFlex polyurethane bushes. So be certain that is exactly what you get.
Basically because they can. Make an apparently, according to the write ups and ad bumf, all singing and dancing bush set for a few quid and sell it for a lot of quids is good business. People out there will buy them. Are they better than standard stuff, maybe not, in some cases definitely not. But there is a market so it is supplied.
colour plays a good part ,makes people feel theyve treated /improved their car with bright colour showing ,but they are good for someone who needs to change them regular :)
That's right just need to Siphon out the crap

Advanced Polyurethane Car Suspension Bushes

Are those rubber bushes you replaced just months ago worn out already? Is handling soggy and vague? Are tyres wearing prematurely? Is your main dealer no longer stocking bushes for your car? Are your present bushes undermining road-holding capability? These are some of the problems SuperFlex polyurethane bushes are developed to overcome for you. This unique polyurethane product range, marketed by SuperFlex, pioneered over two decades, and now comprising over 2000 different thoroughly-proven automotive applications is, deservedly, the clear market leader - world-wide. For performance and quality, backed by a full 3-year road warranty, SuperFlex polyurethane bushes are unrivalled - a real value long term benefit to the feel of your car.

SuperFlex polyurethane suspension bushes are not mere copies of the original rubber bushes. They are individually designed to take full advantage of the special characteristics of polyurethane - its durability, and exceptional friction-absorbing capability not hitherto attainable with rubber. Critical crush, pre-load, and location factors are calculated to achieve positive, responsive driver feedback, which complements a vehicle's roadholding capability - coupled with ride refinement. The four manufactured formulations of firmness (70, 80, 90, & 95 Shore-A) enable us to match the needs of each individual application. The superior finish of SuperFlex polyurethane bushes - machine-finished where appropriate - is not purely cosmetic either. It ensures a precise fit – an important part of the optimum crush, pre-load, and location equation. Sophisticated casting techniques maintain the consistency and accuracy that put SuperFlex polyurethane suspension bushes - and the resultant quality of handling that you will experience - in a class of their own. The SuperFlex experience comes only when you fit genuine SuperFlex polyurethane bushes. So be certain that is exactly what you get.

With the type of suspension fitted to the P38 i cannot see how superflex or any other poly bush improves road holding over and above that achievable by a set of new standard bushes to be honest.
With the type of suspension fitted to the P38 i cannot see how superflex or any other poly bush improves road holding over and above that achievable by a set of new standard bushes to be honest.

The shocks however, I know your old hat but I'm with James if your an off roader then your bound to need to change them more often, me once I'd burnt the first one's out I'd prefer the easy option reassembling and if ever needed changing again,life would be so much better .
The shocks however, I know your old hat but I'm with James if your an off roader then your bound to need to change them more often, me once I'd burnt the first one's out I'd prefer the easy option reassembling and if ever needed changing again,life would be so much better .

The only time the front ones get any real work to do is when the axle is articulated. The rear pivots get all the hard work to do in normal driving and a lot more work to do off road. The radius arms are there as a pivot for the axle i cannot see how they stiffen the suspension very much for normal use. The suspension is sprung by the airbags controlled by the shockers. The bushes in the radius arms have nothing to do with actual springing in normal use other than when the axle is twisted by cornering forces. Unless the poly bushes were very firm indeed there would not be a lot of noticeable difference other than maybe in the mind of the user. They are however easier to change of that there is no doubt. They need to be they wear out quicker.
The only time the front ones get any real work to do is when the axle is articulated. The rear pivots get all the hard work to do in normal driving and a lot more work to do off road. The radius arms are there as a pivot for the axle i cannot see how they stiffen the suspension very much for normal use. The suspension is sprung by the airbags controlled by the shockers. The bushes in the radius arms have nothing to do with actual springing in normal use other than when the axle is twisted by cornering forces. Unless the poly bushes were very firm indeed there would not be a lot of noticeable difference other than maybe in the mind of the user. They are however easier to change of that there is no doubt. They need to be they wear out quicker.

What I was saying the shocks however......... Contribute to comfort
Then you might as well say every one that is a sealed uj ie no nipple

Should just chuck em away lol

Not quite the same scenario is it. If you should be able to get grease in and you can't it indicates a problem. You get a warning. With a sealed for life unit you get no warning until it,s too late. Personally i think sealed units are an abortion.
Not quite the same scenario is it. If you should be able to get grease in and you can't it indicates a problem. You get a warning. With a sealed for life unit you get no warning until it,s too late. Personally i think sealed units are an abortion.

I beg to differ that's what service intervals are for,so it is the same Scenario almost as I ain't changing it until it starts to show signs of wear being the Milage I do that wont be for a while I'm not clambering about unless I need to :) no nipple are an abortion agreed but if there already fitted ....
I beg to differ that's what service intervals are for,so it is the same Scenario almost as I ain't changing it until it starts to show signs of wear being the Milage I do that wont be for a while I'm not clambering about unless I need to :) no nipple are an abortion agreed but if there already fitted ....

Now my friend, take that wooly hat from over your eyes and have a think why Range Rovers, Land rovers and things of their ilk have serviceable U/Js. Then why some other vehicles don't. Have you ever seen a Range Rover or Land Rover with sealed for life U/Js? Because if you have the wrong ones have been fitted. You talk about off road, are you telling me you do a full season of off roading wading through water and mud without ever greasing the props, because the mileage does not reach the service point. Then expect the U/Js to last. Don't talk through your arse. The dried grease and **** in the U/J that is stopping the grease going in, is because the joint has not been greased regularly enough. Simple as that. If you can't get grease in it is going to fail sooner rather than later. You really do make me wonder sometimes.

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