There are 14 people on "how fast do you drive on motorways" than you can feed you bullox to who admit driving at over 80 mph. Cos like I said I really don't care what you think about my riding style!! I have almost been taken out by cars loads of times but turning right on me, driving head on at me while putting there seat belt on do you think they cared about me then? No not even a sorry most of the time so why should I care if I hit them?
They are big old heavy bikes and yes side impact so not valid as there is NO right or left turns on a motorway?? Have a little look in "how fast do you drive on the motorway" and tell them your views cos I don't really care as already stated and driving a land rover at 90-100 will cause more damage than a bike at 175. I think you need to get real and tell some1 who gives a **** mr perfect! Oh yeah cos you only do 90 it's ok! Breaking the law is breaking the law no matter what way you look at it!! If your care about society soo much you should buy a Eco friendly car to save the children and all that ****. If you work on the railway it must be your fault for all these train crashes as you have cut corners and put lives in danger but not you cos you are a robot "what the law states is what I do"

Big heavy bikes, how small was yours then.........? I had a ZX12-R and that was just over 200 KG's, I belive that even a R6's weight is over 160 KG's dry........quite a bit of weight there....

Oh i see you cant defend your actions, so start to pick any thing you can think of, and write any bull you can think off.

Rail crash my fault na dont think so, I care about people to much, next you'll be saying because i wear leather shoes cows are being killed.....

If I am a robot well I better get some new batterys cause I can see talking to someone like you may go on a bit...... thats because my manufacturer has said that I can only work for 12 hrs with out a recharge.
You are only answering the questions you want to!! And who's fault is it then when a train de-rails? God?
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Motorcycle Crash[/nomedia]

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Court TV - Motorcycle Police Chase Crash[/nomedia]
You are trying to make me look like a **** but you and I are very similar it's just me who will admit it!! There is no way you never speed!! And you know what they say speed kills! And you in your big land rover will smash a saxo to pieces and kill all occupants at 45mph this is very unlikely to happen on a bike!
You are only answering the questions you want to!! And who's fault is it then when a train de-rails? God?

There could be many reasons why a train derails, I can not comment on it as I am not a Pway enginner or a train engineer, not my filed so could not legaly comment on that, you better ask God.
You are trying to make me look like a **** but you and I are very similar it's just me who will admit it!! There is no way you never speed!! And you know what they say speed kills! And you in your big land rover will smash a saxo to pieces and kill all occupants at 45mph this is very unlikely to happen on a bike!

I have never said that I dont speed.... think I have even said in one of my posts I have done over 150mph, on a public road in the UK....and it was not closed.
So if you have done 150 that is ok as I ain't quite 175 or is it the fact that you don't have the ball to get away from the police?
There are 14 people on "how fast do you drive on motorways" than you can feed you bullox to who admit driving at over 80 mph. Cos like I said I really don't care what you think about my riding style!! I have almost been taken out by cars loads of times but turning right on me, driving head on at me while putting there seat belt on do you think they cared about me then? No not even a sorry most of the time so why should I care if I hit them?

Sorry but after that last sentence I have filed you under "braindead Cock and waste of breathe category", But you're in good company, with BOB, ICE and his oh so short brother.. I;ll leave you to your fantasies and just point out that you honda express isn't really a superbike.. Keep taking the pills they may work one day?? :doh:
So if you have done 150 that is ok as I ain't quite 175 or is it the fact that you don't have the ball to get away from the police?

I said it was over 150mph.

How did you know you was doing 175mph not 158ish allowing for the 10% margin of a speedo or was it a calibrated speedo?????. - Oh more I got bigger bollocks then you stuff

So what bike did you do the magic 175mph on?

Na me has not got the balls to run, I face up to anything I have done wrong and take the **** from it.

Originally Posted by sible88
Thought the rail company was a front sorry!

Na I dont need a hide behind.
Sorry but after that last sentence I have filed you under "braindead Cock and waste of breathe category", But you're in good company, with BOB, ICE and his oh so short brother.. I;ll leave you to your fantasies and just point out that you honda express isn't really a superbike.. Keep taking the pills they may work one day?? :doh:

I must be your brother then!!

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