How do they know where you have gone?? So many rights and lefts you can take. I have lost how many time I got chased on me bike and got away every time
When you have a white number plate which is no bigger than a small letter box that is on Velcro not sure anyone can read that? And the letters were in fancy writing that ANPR cameras can read. Trust me I got chased from Southend to Hertfordshire doing 175 on the M25 in mild traffic getting chased by two police bikes!! I had a chase at least one a month this is part of the reason for selling it! And helicopter can only do 160 yes in any direction but it takes about 10-15 mins before it in the air. Most coppers will not call for back up as they are not aloud to chase bike due to safety and they get embarrassed if they can't catch you! I was speaking to a police biker and he said I don't bother with superbikes as there is no way of catching them unless they can't ride. I also meet a off duty copper biker out one day and he give it all the bollix that he is Rossi and catches everyone so I said ok you catch me now and I will happily take a ticket from you and I was two's up and lost him twice when we stopped I laughed at him and so did the others following. His answer was your nuts!! I am not saying I am the best rider in the world but you have to be nuts to races bikes so I am half way there. And I would love to race but don't have the available funds!!!
When you have a white number plate which is no bigger than a small letter box that is on Velcro not sure anyone can read that? And the letters were in fancy writing that ANPR cameras can read. Trust me I got chased from Southend to Hertfordshire doing 175 on the M25 in mild traffic getting chased by two police bikes!! I had a chase at least one a month this is part of the reason for selling it! And helicopter can only do 160 yes in any direction but it takes about 10-15 mins before it in the air. Most coppers will not call for back up as they are not aloud to chase bike due to safety and they get embarrassed if they can't catch you! I was speaking to a police biker and he said I don't bother with superbikes as there is no way of catching them unless they can't ride. I also meet a off duty copper biker out one day and he give it all the bollix that he is Rossi and catches everyone so I said ok you catch me now and I will happily take a ticket from you and I was two's up and lost him twice when we stopped I laughed at him and so did the others following. His answer was your nuts!! I am not saying I am the best rider in the world but you have to be nuts to races bikes so I am half way there. And I would love to race but don't have the available funds!!!

Do I see someone thats trying to bull his self up.....

I've heard that not got the funds things so many times from friends with bikes, but hey, if you realy wanted to race you club level. and whats wrong with track days,

Just another biker giving us others a bad name. I spose you;ll get this in every walk of life tho.....
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When you have a white number plate which is no bigger than a small letter box that is on Velcro not sure anyone can read that? And the letters were in fancy writing that ANPR cameras can read. Trust me I got chased from Southend to Hertfordshire doing 175 on the M25 in mild traffic getting chased by two police bikes!! I had a chase at least one a month this is part of the reason for selling it! And helicopter can only do 160 yes in any direction but it takes about 10-15 mins before it in the air. Most coppers will not call for back up as they are not aloud to chase bike due to safety and they get embarrassed if they can't catch you! I was speaking to a police biker and he said I don't bother with superbikes as there is no way of catching them unless they can't ride. I also meet a off duty copper biker out one day and he give it all the bollix that he is Rossi and catches everyone so I said ok you catch me now and I will happily take a ticket from you and I was two's up and lost him twice when we stopped I laughed at him and so did the others following. His answer was your nuts!! I am not saying I am the best rider in the world but you have to be nuts to races bikes so I am half way there. And I would love to race but don't have the available funds!!!

Hope you have one of these in your wallet when riding like that.


At least someone may benifit from your ridiculous riding!
Lets hope its not a family car full of young children you kill because you hit them or cause them swerve out of your way.
Lets hope its you and your Donor Card. :mad:
Im over the plains quite often...
if you are serving in the army there and can get us on the routes the normal public is not allowed....then I would be very interested!!
It costs on average 8k a year to race and need a flexible job which I work 6 days a week I have looked into it so many times you also need some1 with you at every event incase you have a off and are unable to drive home say all you like unless you want to fund it? Having a bike yOurself can u say hand on heart u don't speed?
It costs on average 8k a year to race and need a flexible job which I work 6 days a week I have looked into it so many times you also need some1 with you at every event incase you have a off and are unable to drive home say all you like unless you want to fund it? Having a bike yOurself can u say hand on heart u don't speed?

not once did i say i dont speed.

But i do not, Race away from police on multiple occasions at speeds in excess of 160mph. And i also do not go around "bragging" that i have broken the speed limit.
I also do not brag that i have super small plates, with illegal lettering that are removable so i can specifically avoid being caught when doing such stupid speeds.

If youve got nothing to hide, I.e Illegal plates etc, then why would you need to do those speeds to out run the police.....
My bike was made out of plastic if I was to hit a car you think it's ocuipends would die don't be silly your talking ****! Wots the next thing hope your wore a lot of leather? Thing leather would save your life really? You will be extremely lucky if you come off a motorcycle at more than 70 not to hit anything like a lampost or railings and would die on impact no amount of leather will save you from that?
Bragging is not wot I would call it some1 asked me how you can get away from police on a bike and not a quad bike!!!
Hope you have one of these in your wallet when riding like that.


At least someone may benifit from your ridiculous riding!
Lets hope its not a family car full of young children you kill because you hit them or cause them swerve out of your way.
Lets hope its you and your Donor Card. :mad:

dont be silly! there wont be any organs left worth using at those speeds :doh:
My bike was made out of plastic if I was to hit a car you think it's ocuipends would die don't be silly your talking ****! Wots the next thing hope your wore a lot of leather? Thing leather would save your life really? You will be extremely lucky if you come off a motorcycle at more than 70 not to hit anything like a lampost or railings and would die on impact no amount of leather will save you from that?

Is that the point ?

Just cos you hitting someone would mean only you died does that make it ok then?
What about the person behind the person you hit, who has to slam on brakes swerve to avoid? hits barrier at 70 and kills all the occupants and then the 3 4 5 cars that pile into that mess!!!

Think of others!!
I have wrote out a organ donor list for everything other than my eyes if I am dead why do I need them?? More people should think about it? You are trying to make me out to be an outlaw but when it's 30 I do 30 and do 45 in a 40 but when it says national it's throttle to the stop depending on traffic and conditions. I just hate police they are nether there when I need them and think they can catch everyone. They have put there blue lights on for overtaking before and yes I was sticking to the limit!! I have no time for the plod if they want to do ya they will weather you are breaking the law or not who will the judge believe a copper of Joe bloggs?
I have wrote out a organ donor list for everything other than my eyes if I am dead why do I need them?? More people should think about it? You are trying to make me out to be an outlaw but when it's 30 I do 30 and do 45 in a 40 but when it says national it's throttle to the stop depending on traffic and conditions. I just hate police they are nether there when I need them and think they can catch everyone. They have put there blue lights on for overtaking before and yes I was sticking to the limit!! I have no time for the plod if they want to do ya they will weather you are breaking the law or not who will the judge believe a copper of Joe bloggs?

Certainly not Joe Bloggs if Joe Bloggs is doing 150+ mph :D
Is that the point ?

Just cos you hitting someone would mean only you died does that make it ok then?
What about the person behind the person you hit, who has to slam on brakes swerve to avoid? hits barrier at 70 and kills all the occupants and then the 3 4 5 cars that pile into that mess!!!

Think of others!!

If the car behind is keeping a safe distance like stated in the highway code which they will be cos I am the only outlaw on the road there will not be a problem will there?
It costs on average 8k a year to race and need a flexible job which I work 6 days a week I have looked into it so many times you also need some1 with you at every event incase you have a off and are unable to drive home say all you like unless you want to fund it? Having a bike yOurself can u say hand on heart u don't speed?

I did not say that I do not speed, Yes I have done over 150mph on a public road in the UK...... IOM on Mad Sunday.... Have you tried it?... differant to a motorway or a dual carrageway..... by the way the national speed limit on the IOM used to be unlimited, I dont know if it has changed, but I ant been there since 2003 on my ZX12-R

If you realy wanted to legaly attain the speeds you say you like to you would find away to do it, maybe do the odd track day (dont cost £8k to do those) ect......

All it looks like to be is bigging yourself up, and trying to win testosserone points.

And as for the small ileggable removable plate shows one thing..... you cant pay the concequences if you get caught.......
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