I did not say that I do not speed, Yes I have done over 150mph on a public road in the UK...... IOM on Mad Sunday.... Have you tried it?... differant to a motorway or a dual carrageway.....

If you realy wanted to legaly attain the speeds you say you like to you would find away to do do it, do the odd track day ect......

All it looks like to be is bigging yourself up, and trying to win testosserone points.

And as for the small ileggable removable plate shows one thing..... you cant pay the concequences if you get caught.......

That is usually the point to a removable number plate! You telling me you have never been on the public highway and you have opened it up?? I use to ride like an arsehole yes I don't despite that but when you have just pulled the throttle back and you see a copper it's too late to stop and say I am very sorry officer and lick his arse cos do you think they care?? And like I said yes in a 30 I do 30 as there may be kids about!! But on a motorway the speed limit hasn't changed with the technology! I am not saying I sit at 175 just cos I feel like it but when you have blue lights behind you it's stop and loose licence and job or do the off and I choose the second one. I have sold bike because I don't want to be on the run all the time but find it funny when people say you can get away from a copper!!
You telling me you have never been on the public highway and you have opened it up?? quote]

Yes I have done over 150mph read my post....................

I am not saying I sit at 175 just cos I feel like it but when you have blue lights behind you it's stop and loose licence and job or do the off and I choose the second one. quote]

Obsene speed or a job?????.......

I drive in a manner to protect from lossing my liecence as I need it to work, if you need your liecence and you drive/ride like a tosser then you desserve to lose both.

Just selling the bike dont keep your licence... its always the excuse, along with the one for not getting one is "If I had one I would kill myself"........

The throttle on a bike works two way the same as any motor, fast and slow.....it just the nut using it that changes.
I work in a safety Critical Industry (Rail) so get D&A'd and I go by the gide lines from there, saying that I drink very little may be have a drink once a month some times less.

If I drive, I dont drink.....

If I am driving the next day I only have Two pints max, but nowt after 10pm. (this is less the the guide lines....)

I am having more then that I dont drive the next day at all.
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So what are your views on drink driving??

Only ever have a half if im driving.

And never drive the next day til late afternoon if on a heavy drinking session?

and yours is? let me guess,

"it dont matter i drink what i want, cos i can get away from the law"
We agree on something the but is that because of your job or thinking of other road users? I have never drink drive in my life and will never intent on doing so but ask the same question to 90% of land rover owners and see if any are honest enough to tell? I see at least people do a bit of drink driving I will say a while ago for argument sake as I am not a grass. And it seemed the normal they questioned why I only had a top?
We agree on something the but is that because of your job or thinking of other road users? I have never drink drive in my life and will never intent on doing so but ask the same question to 90% of land rover owners and see if any are honest enough to tell? I see at least people do a bit of drink driving I will say a while ago for argument sake as I am not a grass. And it seemed the normal they questioned why I only had a top?

My job doesnt depend on my licence but dont think it would look good if i said
"ive been done for drink driving"

the main reason is because i know that my driving wil be impaired and im not prepared to put my misses or other person in my vehicle, or other road users in harms way because i couldnt be assed to walk to the pub!!
We agree on something the but is that because of your job or thinking of other road users?


I have been a big drinker in the past, but seemed to always crawl home, in the last 15 years, not realy drunk that much, saying that I do like a good drink from time to time, but find that the time spent recovering can be used better....like having fun, and found that bozzee don't mean you have a good laugh with the lads.

I would call it becuase I am being a responsable person, with dependents, and cant be arsed with the hassle that may come from the effects of doing wrong.

By the way take it you never been to the IOM then to race with the real nutters..... "the Germans"
Isle of man why go there when you can do the same in the UK?? Lol. TBH I sold my bike because I would loose my licence or end up dead I ain't that fussed about other road users if I am honest. I had ear ache from the miss's everytime I went out so in the end I sold it and brought a landy!! Weather you want to believe me or not is up to you?? I couldn't help myself when I went out on my bike I am a MAN and when your testosterone starts going that's it!! I am a delivery driver so do kinda need my job. When you are young you are not aware of any danger. But my pet hate is drink driving as the drunk never die it's always the innocent.
Isle of man why go there when you can do the same in the UK?? Lol. TBH I sold my bike because I would loose my licence or end up dead I ain't that fussed about other road users if I am honest. I had ear ache from the miss's everytime I went out so in the end I sold it and brought a landy!! Weather you want to believe me or not is up to you?? I couldn't help myself when I went out on my bike I am a MAN and when your testosterone starts going that's it!! I am a delivery driver so do kinda need my job. When you are young you are not aware of any danger. But my pet hate is drink driving as the drunk never die it's always the innocent.

I believe you but it's not testosterone it's adrenalin

Testosterone just makes you aggresive it's adrenalin your body craves the need to scare yourself. Makes everything slowdown......what a rush.

As an adrenlin junkie myself I know what you mean.
Fair ground rides help but they're too controlled they run on rails FFS.
Getting married and having kids put the brakes on base, bungee jumping and fast cars LOL
So bought a Landy and found I could scare myself quite well at 5mph :D :D
My bike was made out of plastic if I was to hit a car you think it's ocuipends would die don't be silly your talking ****! Wots the next thing hope your wore a lot of leather? Thing leather would save your life really? You will be extremely lucky if you come off a motorcycle at more than 70 not to hit anything like a lampost or railings and would die on impact no amount of leather will save you from that?

You sir are talking bollix. someone is talking **** but it happens to be you.

Have you ever seen the result of a car/bike accident?


and just in case you try and say yours is plastic etc (even though its alloy/steel underneath)


I know they are side accidents but there are also pics where riders end up through the windscreen and kill occupants too :mad:
Ahhhhh finaly someone has given him an excuse for bosting what he has done.....adrenalin........ yeah spose that a valid reason :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Theres many legal ways of getting a rush without endangering others without your iresponsibility.

Just to let you know, I like the rush as much as anyone, I used to White Water Kayak and Canoe, Sail, did Climbing, Mountering, not only in the UK but in the Alps, I was an Instructor at vering leavels as well.......

But when it comes to it I got married, had kids and I had to grow up.

The bottom line is there are ways of getting that rush with out being a **** that endgaers other inocent people and breaking the law.

Originally Posted by sible88
Isle of man why go there when you can do the same in the UK?? Lol. TBH I sold my bike because I would loose my licence or end up dead I ain't that fussed about other road users if I am honest.

By the way the Isle of Mann is in the UK :eek::doh::doh:..... and I did not think it would be long before the reason about the kill yourself would come out....
They are big old heavy bikes and yes side impact so not valid as there is NO right or left turns on a motorway?? Have a little look in "how fast do you drive on the motorway" and tell them your views cos I don't really care as already stated and driving a land rover at 90-100 will cause more damage than a bike at 175. I think you need to get real and tell some1 who gives a **** mr perfect! Oh yeah cos you only do 90 it's ok! Breaking the law is breaking the law no matter what way you look at it!! If your care about society soo much you should buy a Eco friendly car to save the children and all that ****. If you work on the railway it must be your fault for all these train crashes as you have cut corners and put lives in danger but not you cos you are a robot "what the law states is what I do"
I believe you but it's not testosterone it's adrenalin

Testosterone just makes you aggresive it's adrenalin your body craves the need to scare yourself. Makes everything slowdown......what a rush.

Think Testosterrone has more effects on the body then that, have a read up

Testosterone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And Adrenaline does a bit more the slows thing down

Epinephrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The referance was to the fact of bulling himself up with the post.....now that is more testosterrone the Adrenaline........bet he did not get a Rush from the posting, just thought he had big bollocks.
They are big old heavy bikes and yes side impact so not valid as there is NO right or left turns on a motorway??

You've not noticed the slip roads or people changing lanes then?? Maybe it's all just a blur at the sort of speeds you drive??
Slip road do you stop and turn right think you should re-do your test my son

Mee ex did in a VW Jetta turned off M62 onto M1 at Leeds and turned into the oncoming traffic. Mate had to go out and cover her whilst she got turned around.

And I've ridden bikes so don't tell me that if someone pulled into your lane whilst you were doing 175mph, That you'd do anything to avoid going straight thru the rear window and out the front.

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