Freelander's to rescue Scotland?

  • Great idea. I'll join in and help.

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Great idea but too busy to help.

    Votes: 6 46.2%

  • Total voters


Lord Hippo
We all know how great Freelanders are in the snow, so I thought we Freelander owners could all join together to rescue Scotland.

The current cold weather and snow have caused kayos up there. Blocked roads etc. So it occurred to me whilst watching the news tonight that we Freelander owners should all join together and purchase lots of snow plough attachments, fit them to our Freelanders, then we could clear all the snow off the roads in Scotland.

vote in the pole if you own a Freelander, and want to join in and help rescue Scotland. Perhaps we could get a discount for a group buy.
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be can get seriously good traction with freelanders...............though you do have to stop every now and then to pick 'em out the tread of your tyres


did you just take that outta yer heated garage ?
I grew up near a hardware shop..i regularly purchased twine and balsawood. I could make anything fly....for 3 seconds.
Notes that it is Range Rover country that has ground to a problems in Fender-land :D:D
did you just take that outta yer heated garage ?
Out of the garage yes, but it's not heated. Pic taken a few years ago on the way to work. Snow had fallen in the night, which we didn't expect. So I went for a play on the way to work.

Been thinking about this a bit more. Those travelling from the south could convoy in groups of 4, to keep the M1/M6 clear, and others could do the A1. Bit more organising could see us clear most roads north of the midlands within a day or so. M74 looks bad, but not to a Freelander owner. Yorkshire and the lake district need our help too.

Other Freelander owners could follow behind and pull out those who are stuck in ditches, when the roads are clear. Take blankets incase you need to hand them out to others. Freelander heaters work, so we won't be needing them. Once we get near to Glasgow/Scotland, we'll need some help from the yo'calls to translate.

Fair play we won't be able to pull out trucks on our own. Group together 3 Freelanders and it won't be a problem.
I suggest you plan this for August when theres a better chance of Freelander owners daring to use their cars.
There is a lot of people on the M8/A8 Glasgow that were glade I had a freelander when they were getting towed of by it in 2ft of snow may not be a defender but still does a job if used correctly may not go mud pluging but helps stranded motorists.
There is a lot of people on the M8/A8 Glasgow that were glade I had a freelander when they were getting towed of by it in 2ft of snow may not be a defender but still does a job if used correctly may not go mud pluging but helps stranded motorists.
Aye...if they were stupid enough to ignore the forecast, the warnings, and the blindingly obvious conditions, then I guess they deserve to be freelanded! :D
I'd help, but theres still plenty of retarded disco and fender drivers in ditches around here to get through.
My mate in his LS200 had to pull his neighbours disco of his drive yesterday...what a retard!
I'd help, but theres still plenty of retarded disco and fender drivers in ditches around here to get through.
My mate in his LS200 had to pull his neighbours disco of his drive yesterday...what a retard!

No way to talk about LS200 drivers....

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