Freelander's to rescue Scotland?

  • Great idea. I'll join in and help.

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Great idea but too busy to help.

    Votes: 6 46.2%

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i bet sean has a freelander, he moved to orkney because he didn't want the other tractor boys to make fun of it.
Think he's past the point where pillswill help him, better get the electric shock equipment out, and quick before he's calling on the local 4x4 responce team to get a propper landy out to pull him and his 'SPECIAL' mates out of the snow. As for snow plough attatchments FFS, how about this idea, freelanders are low enough so get a fender or disco to push one around that should clear the snow enough for normal cars to get around :D :D :D. This might knock some sence into him :brick:
you cud pile all the freelanders together and burn the lot, the heat given off would melt the snow, sorting 2 problems in 1 go
Been thinkiking about getting one of these. How easy is it to fit a tow bar on a v6 hippo?

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Snow plough[/nomedia]
Tell ya what Hippo best you stop thinking ya gonna hurt ya self :D Storm you better get the 415v equipment out matey and quick
Been thinkiking about getting one of these. How easy is it to fit a tow bar on a v6 hippo?

YouTube - Snow plough

First off he's towing it with what can only be classed as a proper 4x4 when compared to a freelander.

secondly although that may have looked impressive to a freelander owner (the ground was white) It's not generally worth me even getting out of my truck and into my defender when there's that little snow on the ground.

So whast idea's can you guy's come up with to help? Snow plough on the front would spoil the look of the Freelander pushing it. So it would need to detachable. Is it betterer to push snow in a v, or push / to one side?

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