BMW CAN data should be very similar, if not the same.:)

It won't be yet Ali, but it's something I've been pondering for a while.
Thanks for the invite. I'll let you know. ;)
I'd love to see you. :)

Just make sure to bring the overalls. :p
This is moving into the realms of angry-pixie-psychology with all this talk about CAN data etc, I'm much more comfortable with the fabrication level of tech, so you are doing well with it. I had a thought about the iPack - for the temperature, you could put the temp sensor into the battery / motor coolant circuit, it would be useful information, and definitely something you would want to keep an eye on, as well as preventing the gauge being dead/redundant.
The pixies in CAN are very mellow, they don't bite at all however can get a bit tetchy if they meet another with the same name. Tend to argue a lot, throw a strop and refuse to work. :p
The temp guage is CAN controlled too but I never figured out how to control it. It was another thing put off until I really needed to deal with it but i will make use of it if I can. ;)
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The temp guage is CAN controlled too but I never figured out how to control it. It was another thing put off until I really needed to deal with it but i will make use of it if I can.

It must be possible to convert an analogue voltage to a CAN message, its probably really easy, once the way to do it is figured out.
Great to see you're seeing pretty much the same as I did.
Is your car petrol or diesel?
I haven't looked any further into the CAN signals as I figured a few of them would be redundant without an ICE anyway. I've have been concentrating on getting the motor installed and hopefully soon the battery pack. When I get the battery and electronics installed I can get back to getting the dash operational.
My car is petrol.

I figured these are the only signals that must be fed back into CAN in my case:
1. Gear Shift Position - Required by ABS
2. Engine RPM - required by Electric steering and instrument cluster (will probably substitute this with drive unit current)
3. Throttle Position - required by ABS for HDC if I keep it.
4. Coolant Temperature - will read this off temp sensors on the cooling loops.

Anything I might be leaving out?
My car is petrol.

I figured these are the only signals that must be fed back into CAN in my case:
1. Gear Shift Position - Required by ABS
2. Engine RPM - required by Electric steering and instrument cluster (will probably substitute this with drive unit current)
3. Throttle Position - required by ABS for HDC if I keep it.
4. Coolant Temperature - will read this off temp sensors on the cooling loops.

Anything I might be leaving out?
It must be possible to convert an analogue voltage to a CAN message, its probably really easy, once the way to do it is figured out.
I'm pretty sure it can be done fairly easily with an Arduino and may already be working in the code I have. I just need to spend some time going through it but that is for another day. I'm busy atm welding and grinding. Hoping to have the bracket finished and painted tonight.
I may not be much of a welder but I'm an expert grinder. :p
Speed will be supplied by the ABS ECU so I don't need to code for it.
Have you seen this video?
At one point I drove the car on the driveway with the ECU disconnected and I if I recall correctly the speedo was working so I believe you are correct.
I'm pretty sure I took footage of it but for some reason never posted it on Youtube. :confused:
The speedometer will work, as the ABS sends the speed data to the Ipack over the CAN, independently of the EDC.
Conveniently the Ipack of the FL1 is the communication hub for the CAN network, so it won't matter to the Ipack, if there's no data from the EDC, other than relevant engine data will be missing, which is what your video shows.
The parking brake light is an odd one, as that signal is derived from the ABS, but I'm wondering if the Ipack activates that particular light, if it's lost data to the EDC, simply as a warning.

It's interesting stuff, but unfortunately I'm more of an analogue electronics or hardware person, so data stuff isn't really my thing. :(
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So I got the motor mount bracket finished and painted last night.


Then today got it fitted.

The pixies in CAN are very mellow, they don't bite at all however can get a bit tetchy if they meet another with the same name. Tend to argue a lot, throw a strop and refuse to work. :p
The temp guage is CAN controlled too but I never figured out how to control it. It was another thing put off until I really needed to deal with it but i will make use of it if I can. ;)
Aye, these are the manipulative, ruling, political class of pixies your playing with now.
Excellent stuff Ali.
It was brilliant to see it moving under it's own power too. :)
Thanks mate, it was a big moment for me, even if I was cheating a bit using a 1hp ebike controller. :p
Oh boy this is happening :)
I started this thread in June last year after several weeks bouncing ideas off Nodge in private messages. I have to admit I didn't really believe it would get this far myself.
Here is a wee taster of the next stage.

even if I was cheating a bit using a 1hp ebike controller.

I just goes to show just how little energy is required to get a vehicle moving, albeit slowly.

I'm well impressed it's actually moving under its own power, and in such a short time too.

Excellent work!!

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