great to see so many aging British products including the freelander at work so far away
The 110SW (with the roof tent) was a British car. A Kiwi couple bought it over there in 1996 when they were doing their 'OE'. It was originally a V8 and they put a 300TDI in it when they got it - and drove it home. They headed north first past the Arctic Circle, then down through Europe, did a 'circuit' of Africa and then as far east as Mumbai in India. You have to have special insurance when you do those trips evidently (to cover import duties or something) and it ran out when they got to India - so they put it in a container and shipped it home from there. The only "breakdown" they had in the whole trip - was a puncture :)

The car's obviously still running great and still taking them on adventures!

The guy with the 110 flat deck is from Africa. Each year he takes groups of Kiwis over to do 5 week overland/wilderness tours of Namibia and Botswana. He hires 10 'expedition' Land Cruisers and they just set off into the bush setting up camp each night in different spots for the month! Interesting guy full of stories to be told :) His African stories were a lot more interesting than his day job here because he's a "Bull W&nker" - something like that - I tuned out at that point. @Turboman might have found it more interesting!
being a land rover they are all a British products, regardless of where they were assembled. didn't know bull w*nkers got paid enough to go on such adventures, i am half way there, but would not go as far as a bull fiddler. lol
being a land rover they are all a British products, regardless of where they were assembled. didn't know bull w*nkers got paid enough to go on such adventures, i am half way there, but would not go as far as a bull fiddler. lol
They pay him serious wedge as a guide.
I brew wine all the time, here is a cheap easy recipe that works every time and gives a very drinkable white wine in around 4 weeks.
I do things a little different though.
I usually use apple juice (or a mix of apple and orange) instead of orange juice
I never bother with the hydrometer as by now I know if it has fermented or not.
I normally use wine finings to speed up the clearing as I can't be bothered waiting.
But the biggest change I make is to ferment in a water cooler bottle so I quadruple the ingredients. More is always betterer when talking about wine. :p
We have a derelict green house in the garden and an old grape vine has grown out of control around it and the derelict vegie patch next to it. So this weekend, I went out to hack it back. Anyways up, I ended up with this lot....


So I thought, why not try and make a couple of bottles of wine out of it :) I've washed and got them off the stalks and I have about 8.5kg of grapes. So I'm off down the home brew shop tomorrow lunch for the bits and pieces.
We have a derelict green house in the garden and an old grape vine has grown out of control around it and the derelict vegie patch next to it. So this weekend, I went out to hack it back. Anyways up, I ended up with this lot....

View attachment 120652

So I thought, why not try and make a couple of bottles of wine out of it :) I've washed and got them off the stalks and I have about 8.5kg of grapes. So I'm off down the home brew shop tomorrow lunch for the bits and pieces.
Gettin' your socks off and trousers rolled up? :eek:

We have a derelict green house in the garden and an old grape vine has grown out of control around it and the derelict vegie patch next to it. So this weekend, I went out to hack it back. Anyways up, I ended up with this lot....

View attachment 120652

So I thought, why not try and make a couple of bottles of wine out of it :) I've washed and got them off the stalks and I have about 8.5kg of grapes. So I'm off down the home brew shop tomorrow lunch for the bits and pieces.

I'm not in to wine making. I always fancied having a go with fresh grapes. If I had a vine in the garden, that's what I'd do. Good luck with any future plonk you manage to make. ;)
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Try Googling Wurzels Orange Wine. I've made it loads of times along with the Apple juice version.
It ain't gonna win any awards but gives very drinkable wine for around a pound a bottle. :p
Try Googling Wurzels Orange Wine. I've made it loads of times along with the Apple juice version.
It ain't gonna win any awards but gives very drinkable wine for around a pound a bottle. :p
A £1 a bottle!!! eek
Seems the right fred for this - Funny / interesting pix

Question : wot model of LR does she drive?
Seems the right fred for this - Funny / interesting pix

Question : wot model of LR does she drive?
Appears to be leaking oil so clearly not a Freelander.

From the mud splatters, looks like it has come through the floor of a Trattor.
Seems the right fred for this - Funny / interesting pix

Question : wot model of LR does she drive?
Well, the image fosters thoughts of sophistication, sex appeal, elegance, hard working, physically active. She can come and drive mine if she wants :)
Appears to be leaking oil so clearly not a Freelander.
Mine must be the special edition "Trattor" model !
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Nope your all wrong.
The mud is from walking the 2 miles back to the Land Rover dealership, the steps are the entrance to said dealership.
And why.
Well she just bought a new Discovery 5, and in true Land Rover style, it's electrics have packed up.
Great day out today up in the Mesopotonia Station and Rangitata headwaters.

Very isolated place up a river bed valley into the heart of the Southern Alps.

30 Landies heading up into the middle of nowhere (literally - the station on the other side of the valley is called Erehwon Station!) - 2 recoveries - both me in my Freelander - quality :)


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