
Well-Known Member
Fed up with c**p posts in your Freelander groups on Facebook?
  • Is that repetitive drivel getting in the way of finding Nana's share of a cute puppy or grumpy cat?
  • Are the posts asking whats the biggest tyres that can fit a Freelander stopping you finding those rip-off bargains that are 'suggested' posts?
  • Are Freelander based slanging matches hiding that pic of your 'friend' that you sort of knew at some point but can't really remember why?
If these interference are ruining the enjoyment of your internet staple (2nd staple to LZ obviously!), but you'd still like to see some pretty meaningless Freelander pics and/or related content. Then dump your Freelander FB groups and view/post your Freelander pics/drivel on this thread.

Duno if it'll turn into a decent thread or if anyone's interested, but worth a go.

If you're not interested, just don't follow/watch the thread.
Thought I'd head off for a bit of fishing at the mouth of the Waimakariri River tonight. Headed off at 7:30 (and a very comfortable 24 degrees). Parked up in the carpark (as I'm still 2WD) and walked down. Bumped into another Freelander on the beach - never seen one down there before, they're not that common over here.




Turned out to be an L Series. The couple have had it for 6 months and more than happy with it. Was quite cool really - mum, dad and 3 small kids out for an evening's fishing and mucking about on the beach :) Had a nice chat with them, disposed of their thirsty Disco V8 for an L Series Freelander... snap :)

This was the view from the place I ended up fishing at...



That may not be a particularly interesting pic - but if you can just make out the 2 dots just to the right of center on the 'horizon' - those are a couple of blokes fishing on the 'bar' across the river!

This fella is netting for whitebait...

I thought freelanders were quite rare down here to until i bought one, turns out they are common as much lol. Did you catch anything?
Good Grief,

What a Cracking set of images, looking out of my window you would think we were on different Planets!
Thanks for posting.

Enjoy the Fishing this Summer Pal.

lol, it is a lovely spot. The mighty Waimak runs along the northern side of the city taking rain and snow/glacial melt from the Southern Alps (which you can just about make out in the pics looking upstream). There's 3 or 4 other main rivers draining the alps to the east plus many smaller ones. You may have seen a story on your news this week about a helicopter crash at Fox Glacier that killed 4 Brits? Fox, although its on the west side of the Alps, isn't actually that far from here (about 120 miles), but takes 6 maybe 8 hours to drive there through Arthur's Pass.

Here's another thread I put up about the Waimak...

...and another 1 showing that there really are fish in the river and the weather isn't always quite so nice :)

Ta, I always enjoy my fishing :)
Still have to pay the bills mate, but it ain't to shabby living here!

If the beer was better, it would be pretty idyllic :)
I can not wait to go to NZ but it will not be next year but in 2017 as we were due to come over in February for our A.G.M. but I am having a new knee at Christmas and will not be able to fly so it is Feb 2017.
I can not wait to go to NZ but it will not be next year but in 2017 as we were due to come over in February for our A.G.M. but I am having a new knee at Christmas and will not be able to fly so it is Feb 2017.
Are you still planning on just the North Island? You must try and fit in a jaunt to Christchurch :)
the beer wasnt so bad - bit expensive though !!!!
Our night in Pomeroys was good :) At the moment we're having warm evenings like that one, so I think a 'sesh' in Pomeroy's 'Beer Garden' is in order. They do the best beer in Chch. Them and 1 or 2 others are the exceptions to prove the rule. Their beer is not cheap - but the lower priced dross - that's expensive!
Nice pic! There's a area on the SE coast called the Catlins where we go for hol's. One place is a biggish estuary where you can catch see-run trout amoungst other things like seals! Anyway I got asked by a local F&G ranger for my licence to fish! No kidding! I said it was the sea and no licence was necessary. Wrong he said! No licence needed if you are within 100m of breaking surf at a river estuary. Yes I was 200 to 300m away. talk about a finickerty wally rule!

Do you get stuff / people like that at the Waimakareri mouth?
I must get down to the Catlins. I was booked to go there last year, but had to change plans. So still haven't been since we moved over. I'm not sure if I went there as a kid when we lived in Dunedin from 74 to 76, but if I did - I don't remember it. It does look a wonderful place, and Dunedin is my favourite of favourite cities - so must make the effort.

We do have Seals coming up the Waimak and hasseling us during Salmon season. They mainly target the guys anchored up and fishing from boats, they will every now and then make an attempt to pinch a fish off your line.... (skip to 2:00 for the Seal's appearances!)

Where the sea ends and a river starts is a bit of a grey area - but I suppose they have to try and make some rule for the license. I'm not sure what it is though, as I've always had a license. I know at the Waimak the (defacto?) rule is the Sailing Club. I just copied a Google Map image and pasted their scale marker down the river. Each of those blocks is 150M....


By my reconning that makes it at least 450m from any surf. But it does change with tide and flow rates, plus the beach changes all the time at the river mouths, but until global warming really kicks in, its not going to be within 300m of surf.

Incidentally, in that pic you can see the road going north away from the river. That is the Kairaki township. You'll see the campsite to the right next to the trees, but going up the road there's lots of green sections and a few houses. Before the quake that was all houses!
Are you still planning on just the North Island? You must try and fit in a jaunt to Christchurch :)

Our night in Pomeroys was good :) At the moment we're having warm evenings like that one, so I think a 'sesh' in Pomeroy's 'Beer Garden' is in order. They do the best beer in Chch. Them and 1 or 2 others are the exceptions to prove the rule. Their beer is not cheap - but the lower priced dross - that's expensive!

Anybody planning to go all the way down to NZ MUST visit both islands - especially the South Island
Absolutely - and don't forget the pilgrimage to Cloudy Bay -been there - done that - bought the crate - drunk it on the way round South Island - TWICE (;-))
Absolutely - and don't forget the pilgrimage to Cloudy Bay -been there - done that - bought the crate - drunk it on the way round South Island - TWICE (;-))
My daughter works for Giesen Wines, so I can not agree with you.... But I can agree with the sentiment :)
I may be forced into this. Not for the beer, cos I'm sure I'd make rubbish beer, but my 2 best mates have gotten into it over the last coupe of years. While I enjoy their end product (usually!) I feel like an outcast 'cos all they do is talk about brewing beer!
I brew wine all the time, here is a cheap easy recipe that works every time and gives a very drinkable white wine in around 4 weeks.
I do things a little different though.
I usually use apple juice (or a mix of apple and orange) instead of orange juice
I never bother with the hydrometer as by now I know if it has fermented or not.
I normally use wine finings to speed up the clearing as I can't be bothered waiting.
But the biggest change I make is to ferment in a water cooler bottle so I quadruple the ingredients. More is always betterer when talking about wine. :p
I brew wine all the time, here is a cheap easy recipe that works every time and gives a very drinkable white wine in around 4 weeks.
I do things a little different though.
I usually use apple juice (or a mix of apple and orange) instead of orange juice
I never bother with the hydrometer as by now I know if it has fermented or not.
I normally use wine finings to speed up the clearing as I can't be bothered waiting.
But the biggest change I make is to ferment in a water cooler bottle so I quadruple the ingredients. More is always betterer when talking about wine. :p
lol, I might just make that up on the quiet and invite them round one evening to try it out - be prepared for shouts of "Help!" :)

I have a couple of apple trees in my garden that produce copious amount of apples. Both my mates had probably 30kg of apples off me last year to try their hand at cider. Neither of them produced anything that was drinkable!

I also have invasive Elder that I'm always trying to cut back, but occasionally they've grown big and one of my mates has produced some fantastic Elder flower Cordial from it. I'm looking out the window now at lots of white blooms and thinking of going to cut them for him :)

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