My ankles itching. Could it be crabs.
Only if you're walking round on the sea bed!

Why does the sea roar?
So would you if you had crabs on your bottom


  • avatar3396_5.gif
    56.9 KB · Views: 149
Did you know.....
best way to make a series topless is to remove roof n sides AT THE SAME TIME???

Dunt remove roof & sides seperate, but all in one go! Fookin brilliant,

Oh, and I cud do wiv hep on disco tyre size un all.

Oh, and this fred shud die. Fookin ****e fred.

Oh, and I hate fookin Aussies

G'nite zzzzzzzzzzz
Guinness wiv a Macallan chaser fer me please.
Mmmmm...good choice!

Had an epiphany at 8.12 this morning when i realised the one question which has always been bugging me throughout my life, and i can dedicate myself to finding an answer....

Why are crisps which are salted called "Ready salted"? Who decided to put the word "Ready" in and why?
