This fred has now reached.........................ONE HUNDRED AND TWO..................YA HAY HURRAAAAA.
Still 116.9 at my local Jet garage. Got a few garages round here that's only allowing account customers and sum that're limiting ye to £15!!!
Most important question is...will the fred post number ever reach the diesel price???

Answer is...only if we keeps postin this pointless shoithe!!!
tain't, tis a byooootiferl evenin - we just bin sittin out havin a glass o plonk ooh lar di dar !
Parrently it's bin luverly here all day till we got back from the North York Moors, where it was ****ing down. Then it started raining, can't bleedin win.
bleedin waste oil....its right mucky stuff, upto me bleedin elbows in the stuff earlier.
there you go one post closer to the price of diesel (and don't forget we've long past the price of bio):D
Look yer ferkin meedlin buffooon I keep trying to change the topic of this fred so people ferget wot the original theme was about and the fred gets fergotten about cos it's a load of bollox. So just get back on with the weather or summat an don't even mention the price of doozil.......DOH.
you need to mix it with waste vegetable oil, not any old lard.
almost forgot, you need to take the bubbles out too.