im sorry i thought this was the for sale section not lets all cry section and im sorry was i just called a chav haha and sell ur crap elswhere? CRAP coming from a disco dunt make me laugh
ohhh ye thats it only been on once since i singhed up get facts sorted pal people like u are so lame its untrue if u aint interested y post sumat is it cos no 1 loves you and u need attention lmao

You are starting to come across as a real cock.......Go away
Seriously...£3500... for a td. With rust farm bars,bent old steps and rusty bumper.....first blind person still won't buy.

Just cos you have £100 max worth of roof bar on and £130 tub lining kit. Mine was less than that....seriously overpriced.
im sorry i thought this was the for sale section not lets all cry section and im sorry was i just called a chav haha and sell ur crap elswhere? CRAP coming from a disco dunt make me laugh


If you can't muster up proper english then it's chav speak in my book, seriously who wants to read "ur,u,kl,dunt,awsum" learn to speak properly

Crap coming from a disco who's actually done something on here other than spam the for sales section with a ****ty over priced 90 ?
im so sorry evil your so right i thought it was just me you had a problem with but i see you also had a go at landrover freak too do you consider your self as a bit of a bully ????????
im so sorry evil your so right i thought it was just me you had a problem with but i see you also had a go at landrover freak too do you consider your self as a bit of a bully ????????

You're missing a few comma's there…….

Who's this "landrover freak" you speak of ? As far as I'm aware I've not had a go at anyone but you for spamming

If its the crap comment then I think you'll find that thats paraphrasing and bringing what you said into a point I was making
im so sorry evil your so right i thought it was just me you had a problem with but i see you also had a go at landrover freak too do you consider your self as a bit of a bully ????????

Oh my seem so nice please let me buy your 90

Now seriously.........GO AWAY! :mad:
well you have take a look mate think you need to get a friend or sumat or go get laid you seem abit high strung
not been funny but dunt no what people's problem is ( evil ) at the end of the day if you wasnt ok to sell stuff the site should stop you or if you like charge you but it does not i would not mind paying for an add all fun aside if you have a problem with landyzone over advertising you should speak to them and try to get rules brought in not have a go at people for doing nothing rong !!
not been funny but dunt no what people's problem is ( evil ) at the end of the day if you wasnt ok to sell stuff the site should stop you or if you like charge you but it does not i would not mind paying for an add all fun aside if you have a problem with landyzone over advertising you should speak to them and try to get rules brought in not have a go at people for doing nothing rong !!

If you'd been around the forum at all you would know that the only thing you've done wrong is rise to the bait :doh:
dunt get me rong ill have a laugh with owt but when you have got some 1 having a go at ppl selling just to draw attention to themselfs it becomes sad and they need to be told mate
dunt get me rong ill have a laugh with owt but when you have got some 1 having a go at ppl selling just to draw attention to themselfs it becomes sad and they need to be told mate

You do all the telling you like but yer only gonna bring a world of ****e down on yourself. You'll find yourself trading insults with half the forum and the only thing that WON'T get discussed is your 90!

Now if you'd come back with ''Sorry if its a bit cheeky but tis a good motor....'' :rolleyes:
soso true it might be a old tub but its my old tub and its great does exactly what it says on the tin :mil36:
i unt git how ppl even git er brains turn is **** fum langage to writtin seems inpozzble to me maybe lads fum Borneo how say **** OFF in Borneo langage?

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