possibly the reason the wheel does not wobble when you apply the brake. is because the caliper is holding the wheel and stopping it from wobbling. maybe.
the very first car i bought was a series 2a lr. totally naive, it was full of rust.
the first job i did on it was to replace the swivel joints. had to buy tools and a haynes manual. did`nt have any previous experience. that was 23 years ago. now i got loads of tools and can pretty much do anything to my car.
so have a go your self.
the only thing that worries me about trying these things myself is that if I get half way through, and then don't have the necessary tool, or gasket, or grease, or something else, I'm then stuck at home unable to do anything, and I'll then also be unable to get to work the following Monday.

Basically, I'm completely stranded unless I buy a taxi to get somewhere to buy said tool, or grease, or gasket etc...

This is my only form of transport, you see, so doing maintenance on my drive that i'm not 100% certain about isn't really ideal. I'd like to do all the maintenance outside a garage, so if I mess it up, at least I'm already at a place that can fix it, but they don't like you doing that generally!
Just had the generic non-Landy garage get back to me... they're hourly rates really are quite reasonable (i've been there before). The price for the labour, seals, gaskets, bearings, swivel ball, everything basically, including VAT is.................

£680!! For one wheel!

Given that you guys said £200 was a rip off, I'm rather surprised at the £680 quote.

Just waiting to hear back from my regular indy LR dealer now...
OK, so in summary, here are the 3 prices I've been quoted for replacing the wheel bearings on the front-right wheel and replacing the swivel ball at the same time:

Indy LR dealer 1 - £240 + VAT
Indy LR dealer 2 - £275 + VAT
Indy generic - £567 + VAT

So overall, one hell of a job! At "Indy LR dealer 2", the parts alone cost £195 + VAT, roughly, but they're one of the cheapest places for LR parts near me! Even cheaper than LRseries, LRDirect etc... on some stuff!

Anyone want to pay me a visit for free tea, biscuits, lunch and a crate of beer?? You'll need to bring all your own tools too, of course... as I have next to nothing.

Or, I could pay you a visit, which might be easier! I'm told any play at all is an MOT failure though, so technically it's not safe to drive!
when i did my lr, it was not my main transport for work. i had a motorbike.could you not use yours?
my motorbike isn't the most reliable thing in the world either, being 44 years old. I also dont' want to get it covered in salt from the roads... it's not a good alternative, really, plus, I can't get it out of the garage unless I move the Land Rover out the way first, which I won't be able to do if it's up on axle stands.

And no, I can't take the motorbike out beforehand, because i'll have no where to keep it.
this is turning into a nightmare... the cheapest quote i've had is £240 + VAT. That totals £288 inc. VAT and I can't tackle it on my own drive because i'll then be stuck at home indefinitely unless I buy a taxi to take me somewhere to buy the parts and tools i'll inevitably be missing! :(

Oh, and £288 is roughly the same, if not more, than my entire disposable income for the month, meaning i'll be broke until March now! The Landy's not seen anything other than tarmac since 5 Dec either! Massive withdrawal symptoms setting in...
this is turning into a nightmare... the cheapest quote i've had is £240 + VAT. That totals £288 inc. VAT and I can't tackle it on my own drive because i'll then be stuck at home indefinitely unless I buy a taxi to take me somewhere to buy the parts and tools i'll inevitably be missing! :(

Oh, and £288 is roughly the same, if not more, than my entire disposable income for the month, meaning i'll be broke until March now! The Landy's not seen anything other than tarmac since 5 Dec either! Massive withdrawal symptoms setting in...

Fishsponge, please, just stop and listen.

Here is a list of al the parts you would need, to do each side of the front axle of your car:

FRC7065DIS3KIT Swivel Kit - front axle non ABS from JA032850

FTC2882 Upper swivel pin - front axle non ABS from JA032850

FRC2894 Lower swivel pin - front axle non ABS from JA032850

STC4382G Hub bearing - front axle non ABS from JA032850 - Timken (OE) x 2

And one of these:


With that lot you can rebuild each side of your front axle with all new bits and it will last the life of the car.

the local indy LR garage said the parts alone comes to £195 + VAT. Given that a different LR garage wants £240 + VAT to do the whole job, that doesn't sound too bad actually.

As for the part numbers, thank you for those - but mine's an ABS vehicle...
the local indy LR garage said the parts alone comes to £195 + VAT. Given that a different LR garage wants £240 + VAT to do the whole job, that doesn't sound too bad actually.

As for the part numbers, thank you for those - but mine's an ABS vehicle...

The same company does ABS ones as well.

If I were you I would want an itemised quote showing exactly what they plan to replace. I cannot believe that a firm who quote £240+vat all-in, for the job is going to replace all the parts I listed - there's no profit for them.
Fishsponge, please, just stop and listen.

Here is a list of al the parts you would need, to do each side of the front axle of your car:

FRC7065DIS3KIT Swivel Kit - front axle non ABS from JA032850

FTC2882 Upper swivel pin - front axle non ABS from JA032850

FRC2894 Lower swivel pin - front axle non ABS from JA032850

STC4382G Hub bearing - front axle non ABS from JA032850 - Timken (OE) x 2

And one of these:

606435 Hub nut spanner - for use with bar - front axle with ABS

With that lot you can rebuild each side of your front axle with all new bits and it will last the life of the car.


OK... the above parts are all for non-ABS vehicles. Mine has ABS, so i've tried to find the parts I need for it...

FRC2644DISKIT Swivel Kit - front axle with ABS

Upper swivel pin - can't find one.

FRC2894 Lower swivel pin - front axle with ABS

STC4382G Hub bearing - front axle with ABS - Timken (OE)

606435 Hub nut spanner - for use with bar - front axle with ABS

So... apart from the above things, what else do i need? One-shot grease? or is that what "STC3435" is as part of the swivel kit?

Also, i'll need something to poke through the hub nut (screwdriver I guess), a hammer, a jack, some axle stands...... what else??

And are the parts I've found (excluding the upper swivel pin) the right ones? They seem to be half the price of my local indy LR dealer... and he's normally pretty damn cheap.
Warning, I have britpart swivels on.

Ok, one sheared off during an off road day, but it was replaced unde warranty and ive been alright since :D

I got the complete kit, the lot Inc grease, for 70 a side.

I was just unlucky with a bad part no doubt.

At that price plus 2 bearing kits you're probably looking at 180-200 for parts, so your quotes are ok.

I reckon we'd do a front hubs rebuild at work for 250, takes about 5 hours i reckon.

I'd help you out but I'm in Manchester :(
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so you are saying that you would charge £180-200 for the parts and £250 for the labour? That comes out most of the way towards the most expensive quote I got.

The thing is, the two cheap quotes (£240 + VAT and £280 + VAT) were from independent Land Rover dealers. Trusted ones, too.

I'm getting more and more confused, slowly...

The procedures I've seen look like they should take an experienced mechanic around 2 hours to replace the bearings and swivel ball on a single front wheel.

I quite like the idea of ordering the parts online and doing it myself, but I'll still have the "stranded on my own drive" issue if something goes wrong or I'm missing some tools, but now i'm suspicious of both the quotes that are below £300 because I fear that might not be doing the job properly.

But then there are other people on here that think £200 is a rip-off!

So i've no idea what the hell to do now, sadly, and the longer I take to think about it, the longer I'm driving on a worn wheel bearing and I guess risking my life!
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Oh, and the parts from paddocks comes to around £100, but one of the LR dealers wants to charge me double that. Is that a rip-off, or are paddocks selling crap?

I guess the other question (as well as everything in my previous post) is... should I bother doing the swivel ball at the same time? it does seem to be heavily corroded, but it feels like the costs are spiralling somewhat, and i don't actually have any money anyway!

I initially thought "bearings cost around £12. it'll be a nice cheap fix". but now we're talking up to £600!
Oh, and the parts from paddocks comes to around £100, but one of the LR dealers wants to charge me double that. Is that a rip-off, or are paddocks selling crap?

I guess the other question (as well as everything in my previous post) is... should I bother doing the swivel ball at the same time? it does seem to be heavily corroded, but it feels like the costs are spiralling somewhat, and i don't actually have any money anyway!

I initially thought "bearings cost around £12. it'll be a nice cheap fix". but now we're talking up to £600!

You really need to slow down a bit mate or you'll get yourself in a right lather.

First, decide if you need to do just one side or both? Then decide whether you need new swivels for just one side or both?

Quality Wheel bearings for each side only cost £14+vat (2 bearings) so if that's the main problem then you'll be talking about roughly £35 inc vat plus any seals IN TOTAL;

Try to prioritise the work or you'll get nothing done and just upset yerself.
Why don't you try and source second hand swivel housings? I hadn't a clue before I rebuilt my axles ... Its really a lot easier than you think. Take your time and you'll save yourself loads of money and learn a lot in the process
ok, so the main problem is the bearings. the swivel ball is corroded to hell, but I guess that can wait.

All wheels are fine except the front right, on which both of these jobs need doing.

I figured that while the wheel and bearings were out, it made sense to do the swivel ball to save on labour, but how labour intensive is it to do that separately?

As for taking my time, that's not a problem - i'll have all the time in the world this weekend. The problem is getting stuck on my drive needing something but having no ability to go and get it, and then not being able to get to work until I can find a garage that can come to me! I'm sure I could find a lift from someone, but my car would still be stranded on my drive.

As for second hand swivel housings (are they the same as the swivel ball? i assume so), i'd rather not to be honest - no idea how they've been treated in a previous life. I'd rather do a job once and do it properly, if you know what i mean.

I think i'd rather buy the tools and do it myself, but I still don't really know which tools to buy. I know i need a 52mm socket or a hub nut tool, but how long will the wrench need to be? i have an 18 inch torque wrench... will that be enough?

Also, my local landy dealer isn't too keen on "helping out", so if you don't know the part numbers or exactly what you won't, he won't help you to decide. I therefore need to know what parts I need... I think the bearings are these ones:

STC4382G Hub bearing - front axle with ABS - Timken (OE) (do i need 1 or two of this part number?)

and the hub nut spanner is this one:

606435 Hub nut spanner - for use with bar - front axle with ABS

but if I order them from paddocks now, I'll have to drive on this buggered bearing for another 250 miles to and from work next week, so ideally i'll pick them up locally and do it this weekend.

So... can anyone advise what else i'll need? oil seals? sockets? gaskets? anything else?

i already have a jack, some axle stands, and a few sockets (not a complete set), some screwdrivers (although probably not long enough to twist the hub nut spanner with), and a bunch of spanners, but that's about it...
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