trying to picture a ponging fish self harming after having worked out his annual diesel expenditure... not something you see every day.
ooohhh... interesting calculation!

average 25p per mile at the moment. assuming diesel price doesn't rise (as if!), in 12 months I should burn through £3,750 of diesel.

Kinda depressing, that......

Filter ya old engine oil and stick it in the fuel tank, should reduce the bill a fraction;)
not sure that's really advisable, is it, GRATCH?

sure it'd do no harm, but it doesn't seem right putting old engine oil in the diesel tank otherwise everyone'd do it!
not sure that's really advisable, is it, GRATCH?

sure it'd do no harm, but it doesn't seem right putting old engine oil in the diesel tank otherwise everyone'd do it!

Seriously, a lot of people do. Just the same as WVO (waste vegetable oil) have a search, there's a few threads on it.
not sure that's really advisable, is it, GRATCH?

sure it'd do no harm, but it doesn't seem right putting old engine oil in the diesel tank otherwise everyone'd do it!
It wont be long and you will be running it on veg oil, Or shall we save that for another fred:rolleyes: :p
Seriously, a lot of people do. Just the same as WVO (waste vegetable oil) have a search, there's a few threads on it.
I run my disco on wvo but there's no way I'd put old engine oil in it, just my opinion but I really don't like the idea of all those bits of metal in my engine.
I run my disco on wvo but there's no way I'd put old engine oil in it, just my opinion but I really don't like the idea of all those bits of metal in my engine.
Filter it through the same filter bags you would wvo!
i agree... sure, I could filter it to get rid of the metal (or most of it), but I still don't like the idea. plus, god knows what happens if the tank is dipped one day!

i think i'll steer clear of that idea for the time being, to be honest...
Filter it through the same filter bags you would wvo!
I know but something stops me from doing it and I filter wvo down to 1 micron and still won't put engine oil through it, don't know why just don't like it.
You paid vat on the oil that went in! The dipper mite say, Here mush you got engine oil in ya fuel tank, you may wanna sort that out! :p
you may have paid vat on it but road fuel duty is a different thing altogether.
I know but something stops me from doing it and I filter wvo down to 1 micron and still won't put engine oil through it, don't know why just don't like it.
Fair point! I mean ive done it and mixed it rite down, but if it gets through ya bag and its still black, then logic says it still contains carbon! ;)
how long are the molecule chains in oil compared to diesel? presumably longer, right?

so... as the diesel is used, the chains break down and get shorter, hence why it looses it's lubrication qualities, so does that mean it would eventually almost be dirty diesel?

i guess it's not that simple, but ya never know...
how long are the molecule chains in oil compared to diesel? presumably longer, right?

so... as the diesel is used, the chains break down and get shorter, hence why it looses it's lubrication qualities, so does that mean it would eventually almost be dirty diesel?

i guess it's not that simple, but ya never know...
I think that's why they call it black diesel ;)
right... engine oil and filter changed, and fuel filter changed too! :D

Couple of points... sump plug has new copper washer and was done up to 35nm. That's according to Haynes. Anyone wanna correct that, or is it right?

Secondly, when the new fuel filter is on, and the bleed screw is loosened, pumping the fuel pump by hand is pointless. Nothing happens. I did it for 15 minutes and no fuel came out of the bleed screw whatsoever!

And no, I didn't fill the fuel filter with diesel first - will do next time, but not this time.

So... i left the bleed screw slackened and just cranked the engine over until it was running and diesel was running slowly out of the bleed screw, then I did up the bleed screw and all was fine.

Any reason I shouldn't have done what I did? Anything I could have done better (apart from filling the fuel filter with fuel first, of course!)?
Yes, fill it with fuel first and if you get no joy in a few minutes of yanking the pump, crank the engine a half turn and try again, the pump will not work if the lever is up on the drive cam.

Good to see it's all getting done.
ah, ok... so cranking the engine is something i'm not sure how to do at the moment... when I say I cranked it to get the fuel filter full up, I meant by holding the key in the "start" position until it fired into life!

it's quite possible that my 15 minutes of "manual pumping" was worthless because of the position of the engine then.

What I was wondering was... does the pump lift fuel and push it into the filter, or does it suck from the filter and the vacuum that's created in the filter then lifts the fuel from the tank?

If the pump sucks fuel out of the filter, it was never going to work anyway because it would prefer sucking air in through the bleed screw than pulling fuel up the pipe, of course!

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