yerrrrrr, but!

its a land rover, there'll always be something going wrong, or some kind of work going on, so why not keep the thread active as a documentary?!

up toyoui mate, but personally id hate to see a great thread like this disappear into the depths.

cheers :)
yeah, ok... might turn this into exactly that - an on-going thread on which I discuss all my problems! hopefully I can change the topic title...
Dam, ive bent me shims. . . . :pound:

Thats one hell of a thread, kept me amused throughout the day, nipping in from overhauling a complete swivel, having a giggle an a coffee, and so on :p
Glad ya all sorted now!
Also now is a good time to take up some of the guys offers of help, a couple of hours with them guys and you would never need to post again! ;)
I'm actually unable to edit the first post, so who should I PM with my new topic title?? it'll need to be a mod or admin, of course...

and there will be pictures on my ongoing problems and questions, don't worry!
right - thanks, ratty! :D

now the thread has been renamed accordingly, my next question...

I'm about to do an oil change.

I guess I ought to replace the oil filter and fuel filter too.

Should I do the "sedimenter", whatever that is, as well?

Also, any reason to go genuine, or should i go cheap as possible? does it matter for fuel/oil filters etc...?
i wouldnt go for britpart, just in case, id fit fram or mahle or something - you know, a decent aftermarket make. no need for genuine IMHO.
fine - that's all i need to know!

just considering whether to order from that iPhone app or not...

thanks for the advice!!

Thanks for the snort, storm, too!
Ok, is the sedimenter & fuel filter actually the same thing? I can't actually find a sedimenter in the lrparts iPhone app!
well i've been searching all of the land rover parts places I know of, and when i search for "sedimenter", they all return 0 search results.

i'll try searching on here now...
right... done a fair bit of searching on here now.

there's a ton of threads about where the sedimenter is, and the fact that it's easier to just undo the top nut, remove the whole thing, clean it out, put a new o-ring around the top, and put it back again rather than replace it or try to get the drain plug out, but nobody is talking about where to buy them!

maybe that's because nobody does buy them... everyone cleans them out.

Anyway, if I do want to buy a new one, I still can't find any...
right... done a fair bit of searching on here now.

there's a ton of threads about where the sedimenter is, and the fact that it's easier to just undo the top nut, remove the whole thing, clean it out, put a new o-ring around the top, and put it back again rather than replace it or try to get the drain plug out, but nobody is talking about where to buy them!

maybe that's because nobody does buy them... everyone cleans them out.

Anyway, if I do want to buy a new one, I still can't find any...

NRC9708 SEDIMENTOR / FILTER ASSEMBLY | shop | | L. R. Series

Suppose you want me to come round and fit it as well:rolleyes:

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